воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.

Samsung Gear VR помогают онкобольным

Всем, кто сталкивался когда-либо с курсом химиотерапии при онкологических заболеваниях, знают, насколько это мучительная процедура. Реалибитационная программа, разработанная в Австралии, призвана максимально облегчить период лечения и реабилитации для таких пациентов.
Базирующаяся в Сиднее студия виртуальной реальности совместно с отделением Samsung Australia и госпитальным учреждением Chris O’Brien Lifehouse разработали специальный видеокурс с использованием гарнитур Gear VR для облегчения стресса у людей, которым диагностировали рак.
Больным предлагают просмотр захватывающих панорамных видеопрограмм во время проведения лечебных процедур, а также во время пребывания в палате, чтобы снизить последствия стресса.
В результате проведённых экспериментов выяснилось, что эффективность Samsung Gear VR в сочетании с определённым контентом весьма позитивно сказывается на общем самочувствии пациентов. Необычные видео, отснятые в очень эффектных ракурсах, позволяют перегруженному стрессом мозгу мгновенно "сменить обстановку".
Сами пациенты восторженно отзываются от предложенной вспомогательной терапии, что и было зафиксировано на видео, которое опубликовала студия Start VR.

Start VR Introduces Virtual Reality to Chemotherapy Patient Program at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse

Sydney based virtual reality studio Start VR have collaborated with Samsung Australia and Chris O’Brien Lifehouse to develop a ground-breaking initiative to supply Samsung virtual reality (VR) technology to help alleviate stress for diagnosed oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse.
The project showcases the potential for VR to be used as a tool to help ease psychological stress and provide a form of “distraction therapy” during typically arduous chemotherapy treatments. Patients were provided with Samsung Gear VR headsets and the option to select an experience either from the Gear VR store or Start VR’s catalogue of content. Experiences ranged from transporting patients to a relaxing travel destination, plunging off an airplane in a skydiving stimulating experience, taking a boat ride through the Sydney Harbour, snorkeling through sparkling blue waters and petting Koalas at a zoo.
The initiative was spearheaded by Start VR’s Head of Content Martin Taylor, who collaborated with Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and Samsung Australia to bring the partnership to life.
“Our main goal is to create compelling virtual reality content and initiatives that make a positive impact on the lives of consumers,” Notes Taylor. “We wanted to determine if VR had the potential to change people’s outlook on their current environment and we felt that a healthcare setting, where people sit and wait for periods of time, worried about unknown outcomes would be the right place to start. Though after months of theory and planning, the true reward was meeting these incredible patients and seeing them experience instant joy through the power of VR.”
Adds Taylor, “Exploring the application of VR in healthcare, highlights an exciting pathway for this burgeoning medium and we are proud to leverage what we are learning to continually push boundaries in VR content creation.”
Thriving on the inclusion of cutting edge research, discoveries and uncompromising care, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse embraced virtual reality as a treatment support option for their patients and had clinical staff guiding and supervising to ensure patient safety.
Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Complementary Therapy Director Michael Marthick notes, “Allowing patients to escape the experience of chemotherapy gives them a bit of space to forget what’s going on. In settings such as before surgery, patients are even more anxious. This gives them a distraction and allows them to keep their spirits up. Wellness isn’t just about the physical side of things, it’s also about mental wellbeing.”
Martin Brown, Head of Alliances and Enterprise Mobility, Samsung Electronics Australia notes, “This collaboration with Start VR and Chris O’Brien Lifehouse breaks new ground in the way the immersive nature of our virtual reality platform can be applied to a healthcare environment.”
Adds Brown, “We see collaborations with partners like Start VR, and organizations like the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, as critically important to developing tangible ways for our technology to benefit organizations across a wide range of sectors.”