Консорциум Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC), в состав которого входят крупнейшие IT-компании и автоконцерны, утвердил первую версию открытого стандарта Digital Key. Спецификация подразумевает бесшовную интеграцию смартфонов, "умных" часов и других устройств с системой безопасности автомобиля. Идея использовать цифровые ключи, чтобы открывать и закрывать замки на дверях и запускать двигатель, не нова. Однако в CCC предлагают реализовать эту возможность на уровне открытого, общепризнанного стандарта, доступного всем участникам рынка. В организации числятся десятки компаний, в том числе альянс Samsung/HARMAN, Audi, BMW, Apple, LG, Qualcomm, GM, Hyundai и Volkswagen. Принятие стандарта Digital Key означает, что клиентам будет обеспечен доступ к автомобилю любой марки практически с любого типа устройств. Google и Microsoft, однако, в этой инициативе пока не участвуют, что наверняка обернётся для них определёнными потерями в перспективе. Технология Digital Key будет особенно востребована среди компаний, предоставляющих услуги аренды и совместного использования автомобилей. Стандарт позволит легко делиться, передавать и управлять цифровыми ключами, не задумываясь о совместимости. Digital Key Release 1.0 — самая первая версия спецификации, описывающая способы надёжной передачи данных. Релиз следующей версии (2.0), описывающей стандартизованный протокол аутентификации между автомобилем и смартфоном, — намечен на I-й квартал 2019 года. CCC Digital Key spec turns smartphones into car keys We put almost everything inside our phones, from our personal data to our money. So why not our car keys as well? After all, smart homes can already be locked or unlocked using our mobile devices anyway. That’s the future, frightening or otherwise, that car manufacturers are already building. Now the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) is working together to create an open standard around that, called the Digital Key specification, which is now marking its 1.0 release on the road towards seamless mobile device-to-vehicle connectivity. Actually, the capability to lock, unlock, or even start a car is no longer new. Such digital keys have already been implemented by some car manufacturers. But while they’re not yet taking the market by storm, the CCC is already worried about what it’s seeing: market fragmentation. That is what the CCC was created for and what the Digital Key specification is trying to address, to create an open standard, acknowledged and used by all players in the market. It is meant to be car and phone agnostic, though that doesn’t mean one key will work for all, of course. Digital Key uses already established standards like GSMA, Bluetooth, NFC, and Global Platform. With members that include Samsung/HARMAN Alliance, Audi, BMW, Apple, LG, Qualcomm, GM, Hyundai, Volkswagen, and more, you can at least get a sense of the support the specification can get. Curiously, no Google or Microsoft in that list. A Digital Key spec will perhaps specifically benefit a particular type of market: rental and car-sharing companies. Digital Key will make it easier to share, transfer, and manage such keys without getting bogged by the logistics of having to deal with individual accounts and whatnot. Of course, car makers and private owners can still benefit from the advertised ease of use the standard will bring in the future. Digital Key Release 1.0 is really just the start and, on a practical level, a small but important milestone. This version is more focused on how digital keys can be securely transferred. It is with Release 2.0, tentatively scheduled for Q1 2019, that a standardized authentication protocol between car and phone will be created.
На портале разработчиков операционной системы TIZEN.org сообщается о выходе новой версии инструмента для создателей приложений TIZEN Studio 2.4. В новой версии улучшена производительность, исправлены ошибки и улучшен интерфейс, который стал ещё более удобным для программистов. Кроме того, этот выпуск включает новые функции, которые не были доступны в прошлых реинкарнациях TIZEN Studio. Подробная информация на официальном сайте https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download/release-notes Скачать TIZEN Studio можно здесь: https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download TIZEN Studio 2.4 is Released! TIZEN Studio 2.4 Release Notes IDE and Tools NEW FEATURES * Device Manager Enabled Device Manager Context UI to be extended by plugins * RT-IDE RT-IDE GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) toolchain is updated to version 6.3.1. * SmartThings™ The setupId is a mandatory field and is mapped to the device onboarding ID. The RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) for SmartThings™ is updated. * Package Manager Removed portable object (*.po) files , which are packaged into tpk. * CHANGED FEATURES * RT-IDE Removed the local template for creating a project. The project can be created using the latest RT code from GitHub. * FIXED BUGS * Device Manager Fixed the crash that occurred while filtering devices in JAVA 9. Increased the clickable area for Add new tab button to cover the entire button area. Added support for empty filter category in logs. Fixed permit to install the failure for secure TV profile. * Emulator Corrected the marked location data in emulator control panel. * Package Manager Added https support in Package Manager to download SDK from https website. Fixed multiple instance of same Package Manager getting launched in Windows and macOS. * Certificate Manager Fixed the socket timeout error when creating IoT certificates. KNOWN ISSUES * TIZEN Studio In case of Mac, if the UI perspectives are not displayed properly after updating the TIZEN Studio, it is recommended to restart the IDE. This issue is because of the uncleared cache from previous installation. In case if you see any old perspective, it is recommended to create a new workspace and import the projects to the new workspace to resolve the issue. * Common If you install the Tizen Studio in a directory that requires administrator privileges for access. For example, for C:\ProgramFiles, administrator privileges are required to run the Tizen SDK tools. The TIZEN Installer and the baseline SDK Installer alerts you, if you try to install into such a directory. * Web and Native IDE From TIZEN Studio 2.0 onwards, the Connection Explorer is replaced with the Device Manager, this can cause errors in the Connection Explorer view. You can fix this in two ways: - Reset the perspective. In the TIZEN Studio menu, select Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective - After updating to the TIZEN Studio 2.0, run the eclipse.exe -clean -clearPersistedState command. Then launch the TIZEN Studio normally. You can create unit tests for TIZEN 2.3.2 and higher version projects only. Now the TIZEN Studio does not support unit testing for older versions. * Web IDE The preview tab in the Web Page Editor sometimes does not appear properly. Use an alternative feature, named Web SDK HTML Editor, which has enhanced features compared to the Web Page Editor. Instead of the preview tab in the Web Page Editor, use the preview feature Ctrl + 4 of the Web SDK HTML Editor. In RDS (Rapid Development Support) mode, the web unit test result is not updated. * Certificate Manager Overwriting a duplicate certificate profile in the migration wizard works incorrectly on macOS. IoT certification currently requires a user to manually download and select the certificate. * Native UI Builder If the expanded attribute in a multibutton entry component is set to false, + is displayed. * Native Component Designer The vector-type part is not supported. You cannot see the vector image and change the SVG file. Playing sound is not supported on Windows® or macOS. The Component Designer crashes if an alias is selected as the source group of an added item. * Emulator To use the Tizen emulator, install an Intel VTx supported by the CPU, and the latest version of the graphic card driver provided by the vendor. To verify the prerequisites for the Tizen emulator, see Prerequisites for the Tizen Studio. - If the host machine is using NVIDIA® Optimus® technology on either Ubuntu or Windows®, you must set the Tizen emulator to run with your NVIDIA® graphics card. For Ubuntu, verify the bumblebee project. For Windows®, select High Speed NVIDIA® Processor as Preferred Graphics processor in the NVIDIA® control panel. - On Ubuntu, if the graphics driver is out-of-date, your Ubuntu desktop session occasionally logs out while launching the Emulator Manager, or the emulator skin is displayed improperly. Verify the prerequisites and upgrade to the latest graphics driver. On Ubuntu 14.04, a shortcut menu can sometimes appear transparent. On Windows®, depending on your OS theme (such as Non-Aero themes and Windows XP themes), a display surface can be erased for a while if the emulator window is covered with another window. If you click the emulator window, the display surface runs correctly again. On Windows®, if an error with message "failed to allocate memory" occurs while executing the emulator, try the following: - Close some other programs and try to launch the emulator again. - If the RAM size is set to 768 or 1024 MB for the VM in the Emulator Manager, change it to 512 MB. - Increase the user area of the virtual memory in the system to 3 GB by entering the bcdedit /setincreaseuserva 3072 command on the console with administrator rights (only in Windows® 7), and reboot. If you use a MacBook Pro which has both Intel HD and NVIDIA® GPUs, the emulator can unexpectedly terminate when you execute the emulator with OpenGL ES version 1.1 or 2.0. Verify the emulator configuration in the Emulator Manager and on the general tab in the emulator configuration window, set OpenGL ES version to version 2.0 or to version 3.0. When you launch the Emulator Manager in the TIZEN IDE, the shortcut image of Emulator Manager may not be displayed properly. Basic Web applications does not install on SD cards. CLI and SDB The TIZEN Studio does not support the SDB (Smart Development Bridge) bash auto-completion on Windows® (it is available on Ubuntu and macOS). * Dynamic Analyzer When analyzing applications on commercial devices running TIZEN 3.0, newly-released or after a firmware update, the following problems exist: - The Core Frequency information is not shown. - The screenshots on scene transitions feature will not work. When analyzing applications on the TIZEN 4.0 emulator or reference device, the startup profiling information is not shown. The UI Hierarchy viewer feature and startup profiling are not performed simultaneously. The Dynamic Analyzer cannot perform Web application profiling with a commercial TIZEN device, due to the security policy. The Dynamic Analyzer cannot show lifecycle information for Web applications. Widget applications cannot be profiled with the Dynamic Analyzer. They are hidden in the application list on the toolbar for all TIZEN platforms, except TIZEN 2.3.2. * Web Inspector If your Google Chrome™ browser version is higher than 54, the Web Inspector console and some other functions does not work properly due to Web core compatibility issues. For more information, see: Release Note: https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download/release-notes Download TIZEN Studio: https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/download
Samsung уже давно известен как поставщик надёжных средств связи для государственных служб. В разное время мобильными трубками и смартфонами южнокорейской марки пользовались президенты США, медучреждения, пожарные и полиция. 20 июня техногигант представил очередное решение, позволяющее значительно облегчить работу полицейских. Наконец появилось действительно жизнеспособное решение для замены старых ноутбуков и настольных компьютеров благодаря внедрению док-станций Samsung DeX. Инженеры и разработчики софта проделали большую работу, чтобы достичь конечной цели - расширить возможности современных флагманских коммуникаторов Samsung до такой степени, чтобы стационарные компьютеры в полицейских участках и ноутбуки в патрульных машинах оказались пережитком прошлого. Отныне достаточно иметь Galaxy S8/S+, S9/S9+ или Note8 у себя в кармане, чтобы получить доступ ко всем базам данных полицейских архивов, а чтобы работать было удобно в любое время и в любом месте, вендор представил усовершенствованную модель автомобильной док-станции для указанных выше моделей. При этом доступ к базам данных полицейского управления надёжно защищён, поскольку находится в соответствующем облачном сервисе с надёжной системой криптозащиты. Она также опирается на систему защиты Samsung KNOX, предотвращающей попытки взлома мобильных гаджетов. Установка обеспечивает оптимальное решение для продвинутых офицеров полиции и профессионалов в области общественной безопасности, которые по достоинству оценили важность бесшовного мобильного доступа к данным как в патрульном автомобиле, так и в полевых условиях. «Мобильные коммуникаторы - это больше, чем просто устройства связи», - сказал Реджинальд Джонс, директор отдела продаж и решений в государственном секторе корпорации Samsung Electronics. «Это ценные инструменты с точки зрения гибкости, безопасности, эффективности и производительности на рабочем месте». Список возможностей нового решения практически безграничен: полицейские могут мгновенно получать любые данные о потенциальном правонарушителе (сведения о приводах в полицию, выписанных штрафах, видеозаписи, анализ голоса и т.д.). И разумеется, каждый коммуникатор способен пополнять базу данных благодаря мгновенной отправке в дата-центр информации, вносимой патрульной службой о правонарушителе, включая фотографии аудио и видеозаписи с места происшествия. Все собранные сведения впоследствии помогут более точно выносить судебные приговоры, если дело дойдёт до юридических разбирательств. Boosting Law Enforcement Productivity, Safety and Data Security in the Field Public Safety Device: Samsung DeX in Car Mobile-to-Desktop Technology Finally a viable solution to replace old laptops and desktop computers has arrived on the public safety scene with Samsung DeX in Car technology, making the work environment safer, more flexible and more efficient for police officers in the field by simply using a Samsung flagship Galaxy smartphone and the Samsung DeX service solution that brings an easy-to-use, PC-like experience to mobile handsets. Bridging the gap between smartphone and desktop, Samsung DeX delivers an in-car computing capability by pairing the latest Galaxy smartphones with a mounted display and dedicated keyboard. By connecting the Samsung Galaxy S8/8+, S9/9+ or Note8 smartphone to DeX Pad or DeX Station, the smartphone functions as the car’s mobile data terminal. The setup provides an optimal solution for forward-thinking police leaders and public safety professionals who recognize the importance of seamless mobile computing access both in the patrol car and while in the field. Additionally, Samsung Galaxy smartphones include defense-grade mobile data security powered by Samsung Knox, helping agencies achieve Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) compliance when using the phone alone and with DeX. “Mobile phones are more than just communication devices,” said Reginald Jones, Director of Public Sector Sales and Solutions. “They’re valuable public safety tools in terms of flexibility, security, efficiency and workplace productivity.” Samsung DeX in Car helps reduce reliance on pen and pad or bulky in-car computer systems so police officers and other first responders can maintain greater situational awareness of their surroundings at all times, in addition to achieving a more streamlined workload. With Samsung DeX in Car solution, the transition from a desktop experience inside the patrol car to accessing secure data in real-time while on the move, outside the vehicle, and then back in the station at the desk, is seamless. For example, photos, videos and voice recordings gathered in the field on a smartphone are also securely processed on the smartphone, reducing redundant record-keeping when back at the desk. Through a seamless interface, Samsung DeX in Car allows data stored on the officer’s phone to be swiftly and securely transferred. Samsung Galaxy smartphones are armed with Samsung Knox, a platform that keeps the data inside a secure architecture throughout data migration – from gathering it, to processing it, to sharing it through other databases. “The phone is becoming the critical technology tool for public safety officials, and Samsung DeX enables officers to use their Galaxy smartphone as a laptop replacement in the vehicle and in the station,” Jones said. Samsung DeX in Car also helps remove some of the guesswork for officers before they respond to incidents. Having a Samsung Galaxy smartphone at the center of their workflow boosts the amount of data officers can receive. Instead of relying on radio transmissions and vague descriptions, officers get high-quality images, detailed reports and real-time updates. “Samsung DeX offers a better return on investment all around,” said Jones. “It provides more flexibility and more security at a lower cost. The phone is the center point for public safety and using Samsung DeX offers the ultimate in mobility while being a powerful force multiplier for law enforcement officers.”