четверг, 9 января 2020 г.

CES 2020: Samsung представляет новую серию инновационной бытовой техники с передовым дизайном

Отличающаяся новыми технологиями, продуманным дизайном и гибкими возможностями подключения, модульная бытовая техника полностью соответствует потребностям клиентов

Samsung Electronics продолжает задавать стандарты для дома, демонстрируя инновационные разработки. Представленная на выставке CES 2020 интеллектуальная бытовая техника позволяет переосмыслить повседневные задачи, сконцентрироваться на важных делах и уделять больше времени семье.
«Наша цель – создавать бытовую технику с учётом современного образа жизни, то есть разрабатывать устройства, сочетающие актуальный дизайн с новейшими инновационными технологиями, – отметил Гарри Чой (Harry Choi), старший вице-президент группы разработки цифровых устройств и лабораторий Lifestyle Labs в Samsung Electronics. – Именно это мы и предоставляем нашим клиентам в новых продуктах – возможность выбора техники, которая делает их жизнь более удобной и насыщенной». 
Новые модели бытовой техники Samsung отражают современные аспекты жизни, где дом – это не только место отдыха, но и тренажёрный зал, офис, место для развлечений. Основываясь на меняющихся тенденциях, Samsung разрабатывает инновационный дизайн и переосмысливает предназначение бытовой техники, демонстрируя многофункциональные продукты.  
Samsung представил модульные, настраиваемые решения, задающие новые стандарты в индустрии:

* Отличающийся стильным дизайном, инновационный холодильник BESPOKE представляет собой совершенно новую серию бытовой техники, которая предусматривает возможность гибкой адаптации и настройки в соответствии с требованиями домохозяйств. Благодаря творческому подходу к использованию материалов и цветов, Samsung позволяет создать собственный дизайн холодильника и настроить его функциональность под свои нужды. Так, отсек Flex Zone способен выполнять функции как холодильника, так и морозильника.
* Предназначенная для небольших пространств, портативная компактная двойная индукционная варочная плита Portable Slim Double Induction облегчает приготовление пищи в любом месте на кухне – или даже в другой комнате дома. Оснащенная двумя индукционными горелками, каждая с девятью различными уровнями мощности, варочная плита обеспечивает широкие возможности для готовки и позволяет добиться точного контроля температуры для удовлетворения любых кулинарных потребностей. Горелки могут управляться как по отдельности для готовки в сковородах и кастрюлях, так и в качестве единой поверхности для гриля или приготовления пищи в большой посуде.
* Новая серия холодильников Samsung Cube Refrigerator включает в себя 3 новых модели: Wine, Beer и Beauty. Небольшие модульные холодильники представлены в нескольких цветах и легко впишутся в интерьер. Благодаря компактному дизайну их можно установить в любом помещении, в том числе в спальне: за счёт специальной технологии охлаждения они отличаются низким уровнем шума.
* Система ухода за обувью Samsung Shoe Care System — первое в своём роде инновационное решение в области ухода за обувью в домашних условиях, с помощью которого её можно дезодорировать и сушить. Благодаря новой системе ухода, обувь будет служить дольше и выглядеть как новая.

Samsung Unveils New Category of Innovative Lifestyle Home Appliances at CES 2020

Modular home appliances with new technology, thoughtful design and connectivity can be customized to fit the needs of any modern home

Samsung Electronics is continuing to set the standard for the modern home with a full range of award-winning innovations at CES 2020. These new smart appliances reinvent daily tasks, empowering people to spend their time focusing on the things they love, with the people they love, in a space they love.
“At Samsung, our goal is to develop home appliances designed for the way we live now—appliances that blend modern design with innovative new technologies,” said Harry Choi, Senior Vice President, Digital Appliance Design Team & Lifestyle Labs, Samsung Electronics. “With these products, that’s exactly what we’re giving our consumers—the ability to choose from several home appliances that make their home lives more convenient, more connected, and more meaningful.”
Samsung’s expanded offerings reflect the new ways we’re living our lives at home: No longer just a place to rest and relax, the home is now a gym, an office, and a place for entertainment. Based on these changing trends, Samsung has been driving innovative new designs and reimagining what appliances do for us with products that are flexible, multifunctional, and set a new standard for personal style.

Modular, customizable designs that set new standards:

* An innovative and beautifully designed refrigerator, the BESPOKE refrigerator establishes a completely new category of customized home appliances. Through the creative use of materials and colors, you can put your personal stamp of style on your kitchen. You can even customize the functions of the refrigerator with Flex Zone, a compartment that can be used as either a fridge or a freezer.
* Designed for small spaces, the Portable Slim Double Induction makes it easier to prepare meals anywhere in the kitchen—or even in another room in the home. It powerfully and precisely cooks with two induction burners, each with nine different power levels to suit any culinary need. The burners can function separately for sauté pans and pots or as one unified, larger surface when grilling or cooking with bigger cookware.
* Samsung’s new Cube Refrigerator series offers three new models of small refrigerators: Wine, Beer, and Beauty. These modular refrigerators come in a variety of stylish colors that blend seamlessly into any décor. Their unique, finished, stackable design means they can be placed anywhere in any room. And that includes the bedroom—with a special cooling technology, they are quiet enough to place comfortably in the space where you sleep.
* The Samsung Shoe Care System represents a first-of-its-kind innovation in home shoe care. It provides an easy and convenient all-in-one solution that helps you care for some of your most valuable fashion investments, giving you the ability to deodorize, dehumidify, and dry your shoes with one convenient device. It helps your shoes last longer, look better, and feel fresher.

8K QLED-телевизоры Samsung 2020 года получат поддержку NEXTGEN TV

Новый стандарт ATSC 3.0 расширяет возможности просмотра телевидения в разрешении Ultra HD

Samsung Electronics объявляет, что линейка телевизоров QLED 8K 2020 года получит поддержку ATSC 3.0. Этот стандарт следующего поколения имеет более высокое разрешение, реалистичный звук и расширенные интерактивные возможности, открывая новую эпоху эфирного телевещания.
«Samsung постоянно трансформирует технологии, чтобы предложить максимальные возможности для домашних развлечений. Поэтому закономерно, что корпорация является лидером в этой сфере, – отметил Хёгун Ли (Hyogun Lee), исполнительный вице-президент направления устройств отображения информации (Visual Display Business) Samsung Electronics. – Технология NEXTGEN на базе ATSC 3.0 расширяет возможности домашнего просмотра для владельцев телевизоров QLED 8К 2020 года и последующих моделей. Мы рады видеть, как благодаря новому стандарту партнёры разрабатывают контент для нашей 8K-экосистемы, и с нетерпением ждём, когда раскроется весь потенциал ATSC 3.0».
Одно из ключевых преимуществ телевидения NEXTGEN, основанного на стандарте ATSC 3.0, по сравнению с нынешним ATSC 1.0, — это возможность приёма и воспроизведения контента в разрешении до 4K, а не только Full HD, доступном в настоящее время. Это гарантирует, что владельцам Samsung QLED 8K будут доступны трансляции в формате 4K.
Наряду с высоким разрешением, NEXTGEN TV обеспечивает более приятный и реалистичный звук. Функции улучшения многоканального объёиного аудио и локализованных диалогов усиливают громкость и качество звука, создавая эффект присутствия. Стандарт также расширяет возможности телевизоров благодаря обновлённому содержанию и добавленной информации.
Samsung на протяжении многих лет находится в авангарде разработок сферы вещания в высоком разрешении. Техногигант сотрудничает с Pearl TV и Национальной ассоциацией телерадиовещателей (NAB), тестируя новые функции и проводя экспериментальные трансляции в рамках многих отраслевых мероприятий и партнёрств. Эти усилия обеспечили Samsung мировое лидерство, предоставив пользователям возможность просматривать лучший в своём классе контент Ultra HD, а вещателям  – продолжать развитие инноваций в экосистеме 8K.
Более подробная информация о телевизорах Samsung QLED 2020 и телевидении NEXTGEN доступна на сайте https://samsung.com.

Samsung Electronics Adds NEXTGEN TV to 2020 QLED 8K Line-up

Samsung’s Ultra HD Viewing Experience enhanced with ATSC 3.0, the latest in broadcast TV technology standard

Samsung Electronics announced today that its upcoming 2020 QLED 8K television lineup will offer ATSC 3.0 tuners. This next-generation broadcast standard provides consumers higher resolution, more realistic audio and interactive experiences, designed to usher a new era of over-the-air transmission TV broadcasting.
“Samsung is constantly transforming the technology we put in front of our consumers to give them the ultimate home entertainment experience, so leading this endeavor was a natural step,” said Hyogun Lee, Executive Vice President of the Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “NEXTGEN TV powered by ATSC 3.0 enhances the at-home viewing experience for our 2020 QLED 8K owners and beyond. We’re excited to see how the standard steers our broadcast partners into developing content and experiences for our 8K ecosystem. We are just beginning to scratch the surface and are excited about the full potential enabled by ATSC 3.0.”
One of the key benefits and improvements of NEXTGEN TV powered by ATSC 3.0 over the current ATSC 1.0 standard is its potential to receive and playback content in up to 4K resolution, rather than just Full HD that is currently available. This ensures that Samsung QLED 8K owners are able to playback 4K broadcasts and content when the signals are transmitted.
Alongside the vivid resolution, NEXTGEN TV brings audiences a more engaging and realistic audio experience. The standard’s Multi-Channel Object Audio and Dialogue Enhancement features give users louder and clearer sound enabling immersive experience in addition to the traditional surround sound. The standard also revamps the capabilities with enhanced content and added information.
Samsung has been at the forefront of development efforts around high-resolution broadcast for years. The company has also been working with Pearl TV and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) on testing new features and broadcasting experimental transmissions, across many industry events and collaborations. These efforts have ensured that Samsung is leading the world with the best in class Ultra HD viewing experiences and have given broadcasters the ability to continue innovation within the 8K ecosystem.
For more information on Samsung’s 2020 QLED TV lineup and NEXTGEN TV, please visit https://samsung.com.

Samsung стал партнёром Ассоциации 8K по запуску новой программы сертификации

Samsung Electronics объявил о сотрудничестве с Ассоциацией 8K (8K Association, 8KA) в области создания программы сертификации, способствующей продвижению телевизоров и прочих устройств с поддержкой стандарта 8K. Партнёрство знаменует собой ещё одну важную веху для линейки Samsung QLED 8K. Модели этой серии станут одними из первых устройств, которые в этом году будут сертифицированы 8KA и получат соответствующий новый логотип.
Программа сертификации 8KA направлена ​​на то, чтобы выделить преимущества телевизоров, которые имеют в 4 раза больше пикселей по сравнению с обычными моделями 4K. Сертификат подтверждает, что устройство обладает более высокой чёткостью и контрастностью изображения, а также улучшенной цветопередачей с поддержкой технологии HDR (high dynamic range). Для прохождения сертификации 8KA телевизор должен иметь разрешение экрана 7680x4320 пикселей, обладать пиковой яркостью более 600 нит, обеспечивать передачу изображения с использованием интерфейса HDMI 2.1 и поддерживать высокоэффективный видеокодек HVEC.
Samsung Electronics, наряду с другими участниками ассоциации, получит возможность продвигать сертифицированные телевизоры 8K на рынке после завершения процедуры валидации со стороны 8KA. В этом году Ассоциация 8K намерена нарастить свои усилия по содействию в области образовательных программ в различных отраслях, чтобы способствовать привлечению новых партнёров, развитию инноваций и созданию нового контента в рамках экосистемы 8K.
Помимо этого, 8KA планирует осуществлять мероприятия по продвижению инновационного формата в интересах всей индустрии, демонстрируя передовые технологические разработки и решения с поддержкой 8K, производственные процессы, варианты доставки контента и устройства отображения. Новые программы и инициативы призваны показать, как можно использовать контент в формате 8K, а также взаимодействовать с экосистемой и её стандартами.
Ассоциация 8K рассчитывает на дальнейший рост популярности контента 8K и его распространение, аналогично тому, как в последние годы развивались стандарты и потребление контента в формате 4K. Состав Ассоциации 8K постоянно расширяется. На сегодняшний день она насчитывает более 22 компаний-участниц.
Подробную информацию об Ассоциации 8K и телевизорах Samsung QLED 8K можно получить на сайтах https://8kassociation.com и http://samsung.com.

Samsung Partners with 8K Association to Launch Certification Program

Samsung Electronics announced today that it has partnered with the 8K Association (8KA) to establish a first-of-its-kind certification program designed to distinguish 8K-enabled televisions and other devices. The partnership marks another milestone for Samsung’s QLED 8K as it will be among the first TVs to be certified by the 8KA this year, bearing the new certification logo.
“We are proud to be one of the founding members of the 8K Association and to have our new lineup of QLED 8K TVs certified by the program,” said Hyogun Lee, Executive Vice President of the Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “Our goal is to provide consumers with the ability to easily identify premium 8K displays from other devices when making purchasing decisions. Home entertainment and TVs are important investments for many of our consumers, and we hope that the 8KA Certification Logo will help guide them.”
The 8KA Certification Program aims to distinguish televisions featuring four times as many pixels as the standard 4K televisions for clarity, contrast and color and high dynamic range (HDR) performance. Among the features tested include display resolution reaching 7680 x 4320, peak brightness greater than 600 nits, image transmission of HDMI2.1 and high efficiency video codec (HVEC).
Member companies like Samsung Electronics will be able to promote 8K certified TVs after they are validated by the 8KA. The 8KA also plans to increase educational programming efforts this year across many different industries in order to promote member participation, innovation and content development within the 8K ecosystem.
In addition to expansion across different industries, the 8KA plans to spread promotional activities for the 8K industry through demos, showcasing the advanced technological development of 8K-enabled products, production workflow, delivery options and display devices. The programs and initiatives will showcase how consumers can engage with 8K content, the ecosystem and its standards.
The 8KA anticipates further adoption of 8K content creation, distribution and home adoption, similar to the evolution of 4K standards adoption and consumer purchase cycle over the past several years. To-date, partner companies and organizations have all joined the 8K Association – further broadening the membership to more than 22 companies.
For more information on the 8K Association and Samsung QLED 8K TVs, please visit https://8kassociation.com and http://samsung.com.

About the 8K Association

The organization’s mission is to grow appreciation and awareness of 8K products which will provide an even higher level of entertainment which is paramount to large screen entertainment. Our activities include development performance and interface specifications, compliance logo programs, education and coordination with 8K ecosystem developers to help build the 8K market.

CES 2020: Samsung представляет новую серию игровых мониторов Odyssey

Samsung Electronics, глобальный лидер в сегменте игровых мониторов*, представляет принципиально новую серию изогнутых игровых мониторов Odyssey на международной выставке потребительской электроники CES 2020. В неё входят модели G9 (экран 49 дюймов) и G7 (экран 32 и 27 дюймов) с рекордно высокой изогнутостью (радиус изгиба 1000 мм/1000R) и технологией QLED.
Геймеры оценят время отклика экрана в 1 мс (MPRT) и частоту обновления 240Гц с технологией RapidCurve™, позволяющие всегда находиться в самом центре игровых событий. Мониторы поддерживают NVIDIA G-SYNC®** (G-SYNC Compatible) и Adaptive Sync на DP1.4.

49-дюймовый монитор G9 — максимальное погружение

G9 — первый в мире игровой монитор с разрешением Dual Quad High Definition (5120×1440 точек) с частотой обновления 240Гц, временем отклика 1мс (MPRT), соотношением сторон 32:9, кривизной экрана 1000R и пиковой яркостью 1000 кд/м2. Монитор оснащён технологией Quantum Dot, что в сочетании с панелью HDR1000 VA обеспечивает высокую реалистичность, яркость и отличную детализацию изображения. Сочетание малого времени отклика и высокой частоты обновления вместе с рекордным радиусом кривизны 1000R устраняет отвлекающие факторы и обеспечивает плавность картинки даже в самые динамичные игровые моменты, когда доля секунды может означать разницу между победой и поражением. 
G9 отличается ярким обновлённым дизайном: белой глянцевой отделкой корпуса и футуристической внутренней подсветкой с 52 возможными цветами и 5-ю световыми эффектами.

Модель G7 с диагоналями 32 и 27 дюймов — новый уровень игрового процесса 

Мониторы младшей модели G7 получили такие же высокие характеристики по времени отклика, частоте обновления и радиусу кривизны экрана, как и старшая модель. G7 построена на базе матрицы Quad-High Definition с разрешением 2560×1440 точек с соотношением сторон 16:9 и панелью HDR600 VA с пиковой яркостью 600 кд/м2. QLED-экран модели G7 с технологией Quantum Dot обеспечивает точное воспроизведение цветов в широком диапазоне значений при любом освещении. 
G7 получила обновлённый дизайн с гладкой матовой чёрной поверхностью корпуса и изменяемую внутреннюю подсветку, которая может оставаться статичной, приглушаться во время игры или менять цвет в зависимости от предпочтений игрока.
Для получения дополнительной информации обо всех игровых мониторах Samsung, посетите страницу https://displaysolutions.samsung.com/monitor/odyssey.
Глобальные продажи мониторов Samsung G9 и G7 начнутся во 2-м квартале 2020 года.

* Источник: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Gaming Tracker, 2019 Q3 data
** Дисклеймер: совместимость игровых мониторов G9 и G7 с G-SYNC в настоящее время проходит сертификацию в NVIDIA.

CES 2020: Samsung Unveils New Odyssey Gaming Monitor Line-up

G9 and G7 curved QLED gaming monitors are more immersive than ever with 1000R curvature and superior performance that gamers demand

Samsung Electronics, the global leader in the gaming monitor market*, today introduced its new line-up of groundbreaking curved Odyssey gaming monitors at CES 2020. The new line-up has been completely reimagined with gamers in mind, including radically new curved displays and industry-leading performance features for a whole new way to game.
Comprised of the G9 model – with an industry-leading 49” display – and the G7, available in 32” and 27”, both Odyssey gaming monitors are completely redesigned and take immersive gaming to the next level. Both monitors feature an extremely deep curvature – the first ever monitors to possess a high-performance 1000R curvatures – and stunning QLED picture quality.
The monitor’s superior performances have even been certified by TÜV Rheinland, a leading international certification organization which has awarded Samsung the industry`s first high performance 1000R curved display and Eye Comfort certificate. Gamers can benefit from 1ms response time and 240hz RapidCurve™, putting themselves in the middle of the action. Samsung`s newest gaming monitors will support NVIDIA G-SYNC® Compatibility** and Adaptive Sync on DP1.4. Both monitors have also been redesigned with a completely new take on what gaming monitors can look like.
“The new Odyssey portfolio proves that Samsung is continuing to drive innovation with industry-leading technology and design that allow gamers significantly better performances,” said Seog-gi Kim, Executive Vice President of the Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “Samsung’s new curved gaming monitor line-up has been completely redesigned to give gamers an entirely new and immersive experience.”
Immersion and speed are critical as gaming is more competitive than ever. The new monitors’ gaming-focused, technical innovations take gamers’ needs for speed, responsiveness and minimal distractions into account, equipping them with the best gaming experience possible.

49” G9: The Most Immersive Gaming Experience

The G9 is the world’s first Dual Quad High-Definition (DQHD; 5120×1440 resolution) gaming monitor to feature a rapid, 240Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, 32:9 aspect ratio, a deep and immersive 1000R curvature, and a peak brightness of 1000 cd/m2. The monitor features Quantum dot technology combined with an HDR1000 VA panel to produce lifelike colors in vivid detail. The combination of quick response time and refresh rate along with industry-leading 1000R curve eliminates distractions and lag time, creating ultra-smooth screen transitions for critical gaming moments where a split second could mean the difference between winning and losing.
The G9 has a striking new design with a glossy white exterior and a futuristic infinity core lighting glowing rear core, which includes 52 colors and five lighting effect options. The design and lighting effects stand out from the competition and complement any gaming setup.

32” and 27” G7: A Whole New Gaming Experience

Gamers will appreciate that the G7 has the same quick response time and refresh rate, deep curved display, and overall performance of the G9, in smaller 32” and 27” models. The G7’s Quad-High Definition (QHD; 2560×1440 resolution), 16:9 aspect ratio and HDR600 VA panel are complemented by a 600 cd/m2 peak brightness. Additionally, the G7’s QLED screen with Quantum dot technology provides an exceptionally wide range of accurate color reproductions that stay crisp and clear even in bright light.
The G7 has been completely redesigned with a sleek, matte black exterior and color-changing rear core lighting that can remain static or dim during gameplay, as well as change colors based on gamers’ preferences. In addition, the G7 has added dynamic shapes and lighting to the monitor`s front bezel.
To fully experience the G9 and G7, please visit Samsung at CES at the Central Hall (Booth #15006) from January 7-10, 2020. For additional information on all Samsung gaming monitors, please visit https://displaysolutions.samsung.com/monitor/odyssey.
Samsung’s G9 and G7 will be available globally beginning Q2 2020.

* Source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Gaming Tracker, 2019 Q3 data
** Disclaimer: G-SYNC Compatibility validation for G9 and G7 gaming monitors are currently in progress.

Designing the Gaming Monitors of the Future: the Odyssey G7 and G9

2020 is set to be a big year for Samsung innovations. A year that will see the company chart a bold new future not just for technologies like AI, 5G and IoT, but everyday devices like gaming monitors as well. Since producing its very first gaming monitor less than four years ago, Samsung has soared to the top of the market with a portfolio of offerings that combine outstanding performance with immersive visuals.
Now, the company has announced that beginning this year, its Odyssey line of gaming laptops, PCs and VR devices is expanding to include gaming monitors, too. This will establish Odyssey as Samsung’s official product line for gaming gear. Visitors to Samsung’s CES 2020 booth can see firsthand how the company applied the futuristic design cues that the line is known for – and gamers love – to create the all-new Odyssey G7 and G9. Both the (27- or 32-inch) G7 and the (49-inch) G9 come packed with next-level specs including ultrawide, 1000R-curvature screens, a rapid 1ms response time, a 240Hz refresh rate for incredibly smooth FPS (first-person shooter) gameplay, G-Sync compatibility, and much more.
To learn more about the process behind the gaming monitors’ designs, Samsung Newsroom interviewed some of the designers who brought the monitors to life.

A New Chapter for the Odyssey

When discussing the process of refining the Odyssey G7 and G9’s designs, each member of the team, from Samsung’s Visual Display Business, stressed the importance of putting the needs and interests of gamers first. That, at its core, is what the Odyssey line is all about: equipping users with the tools they need to enjoy the best possible gaming experience.
However, as Visual Communication designer Adam Burgess noted, the launch of the Odyssey G7 and G9 not only demonstrates Samsung’s commitment to offering consumers game-changing gaming technologies, “It also creates an opportunity for us to thoughtfully communicate the philosophy of the Odyssey line in a way that feels authentic to our product offerings now and to come.”
That philosophy is realized in a pair of monitors created under design principles that can be summed up with the words “courageous,” “futuristic,” and “confident.” The devices’ simple designs set the tone for Odyssey monitors to follow, and are distinguished by their sharp contrast of black and white elements and use of eye-catching blue accenting. (It should be noted that the “Odyssey” name will also be applied to Samsung gaming monitors that are already on the market.)
“The word ‘Odyssey’ brings to mind the idea of navigation, of a journey,” said Burgess. “As Samsung’s official product line for gaming gear, Odyssey offers consumers next-level gaming experiences, powered by a combination of advanced gaming technologies and purposeful design. Together, these two attributes evoke the image of advancing toward the future.”

Future Focused

The Odyssey G7 and G9’s futuristic designs are products of the team’s careful observation of market trends. Odyssey G9 designer Juwon Cho explained the team’s approach.
“Our market research has shown that Samsung gaming monitors consistently earn good reviews,” said Cho. “However, we received feedback that some consumers would like to see genre-specific gaming elements incorporated into gaming monitor designs. To chart the best course for enhancing our offerings, we first examined some of the popular games and devices that gamers tend to prefer.” When the research showed that many gamers prefer futuristic concepts, the team adopted that term as a key design principle.
For gamers, one of the Odyssey G9’s most appealing – and futuristic – design elements may just be the Infinity Core Lighting on its back. As Cho explained, the key to its design boils down to the same factor that enables the monitor to transform users’ gaming sessions: immersion.
“When designing the lighting, we utilized light and mirrors to create the sensation that you’re being transported to another dimension when you look at it,” said Cho. “Of course, gaming on a 49-inch curved monitor with a 32:9 aspect ratio evokes that same immersive sensation, and that alone would be very enticing to many gamers. However, we wanted to create gaming monitors that offered more. That is to say, we wanted them to be monitors that users would be proud to show off.”
As design team member Ki-hong Kim explained, however, immersion wasn’t the only factor that guided the Odyssey G7’s lighting design. “Like all Samsung gaming monitors, the Odyssey G7 features what we like to call Arena Lighting on its back,” said Kim. “We differentiated the design by adding dynamic shapes and lighting to the monitor’s front bezel. It’s all part of creating a monitor that, just like futuristic armor and weapons from sci-fi games, projects a strong image as gaming gear.”

Convenience Is Key

Kim emphasized that the consumer is always key when it comes to product design, and because gamers are always interested in what the professionals are using, “We asked professional gamers to share their detailed opinions and preferences so we could incorporate them into the product.”
For example, many pro gamers consider a gaming monitor’s stand to be a very important design consideration. This is because often times, when gaming, they require a large space to move their mouse, and a wide monitor stand may get in their way. It’s also important that the monitor stand does not prevent them from placing their keyboard in a comfortable position. To address these inconveniences, the team carefully calibrated the angle of the Odyssey G7’s stand to enable users to comfortably position their keyboard and move their mouse freely. Users can also easily swivel, tilt and adjust the height of both the Odyssey G7 and G9 to accommodate their posture and eye level.

Breaking Convention

Continuing his breakdown of the Odyssey G7’s design, Kim described various ways that the team enhanced the gaming monitor to differentiate it from conventional offerings. The G7’s 1000R-curvature screen is a sharp departure from typical gaming monitors, which feature boxy rectangular frames. He also explained how the team optimized the accent lighting to enhance the gaming experience and make the monitor stand out.
“Some members of our team were concerned that incorporating lighting into the front of the display could disturb gameplay,” said Kim. “This led us to come up with a lighting design that directs light downward. The design received positive reviews from users, and with that aspect of the design sorted, we were able to continue developing the product.”
The Odyssey G9’s glossy white design is another departure from convention. After surveying customer opinions, the team elected to utilize the color because feedback indicated that white creates the strongest impression of a futuristic design. Feedback on the monitors themselves has been terrific thus far, as both have already garnered Innovation Awards at this year’s CES – the Odyssey G9 in the Computer Peripheral Device category, and the G7 in the Gaming category.

Getting the Most Out of Your Monitor

In addition to discussing the process of refining the Odyssey G7 and G9’s designs, the designers revealed how they would utilize the monitors to enhance their own gaming experiences. 
“Often times, when I play games, I play in a dark environment so I can immerse myself in the game and concentrate better,” said Kim. “The lighting on the front and back of the G7 was designed with consideration for such environments, and helps make the gaming experience that much more immersive.”
Cho added that the Odyssey G9’s immersion-amplifying design has the power to transform how users experience their favorite games. “The G9’s 1000R curvature allows it to fill the user’s entire field of view,” said Cho. “When you play games that support the monitor’s 32:9 screen ratio, especially FPS, flight simulator and racing games, the level of immersion is such that you feel as if you are inside the game itself.”
The market for gaming monitors is estimated to grow from roughly 7.8 million units in 2019 to 12.2 million by 2023.1 Going forward, Samsung will continue to lead innovation in the market by offering gamers monitor designs that put their needs first.
“Even after a gaming monitor launches, the team will constantly seek out feedback and data to reflect in the designs of future products,” said Cho.
“Our goal,” added Kim, “is to anticipate trends in the rapidly evolving gaming market, and design products that lead those trends – rather than products that are simply different from what’s already out there.”

1 According to figures from market research firm IDC (2019)