Подобные системы на базе операционной платформы TIZEN уже выпускались южнокорейским техногигантом и ранее, однако патентная заявка указывает на создание усовершенствованных агрегатов, способных автоматически определять дозирование моющих веществ и более тонко выстраивать алгоритм процесса стирки. В частности, изменениям подвергнется система впрыска моющих средств (порошков и кондиционеров), которая станет более эффективной за счёт равномерного распределения внутри стирального отсека. Кроме того, более совершенное программное обеспечение на базе новой версии TIZEN OS поможет уменьшить энергозатраты и расход воды за счёт выстраивания оптимального процесса стирки.
Новые модели стиральных машин Samsung будут лучше интегрированы в IoT-экосистемы (IoT - internet of things / интернет вещей), что позволит вести эффективный контроль и управление с любого подключённого к Сети устройства - смартфона, планшета, смарт-часов, смарт-телевизоров и даже холодильников серии Family Hub.
Кроме того, немаловажную роль будет играть минималистичный дизайн новых моделей, где благодаря исчезновению лотка для ручной загрузки моющих средств останется лишь удобная управляющая панель в виде интерактивного OLED-экрана.
Samsung Electronics Applies for Patent on New IoT-Based Washing Machines
Samsung Electronics applied for a patent on an idea that installs inlet for detergent at the inner bottom of a washing machine. This idea won’t damage the outside of a washing machine since detergent box is not located outside and supplies detergent and fabric softener whenever they are needed after storing them. Some predict that Samsung Electronics had IoT (Internet of Things) washing machine, which is controlled remotely, in mind because this method can minimize manual work that one has to do while washing clothes.
According to industries on the 9th, Samsung Electronics recently applied for a patent on ‘washing machine with detergent supplier’. Major point of this patent is based on a device that is located inside of a washing machine and supplies detergent in order to emphasize exterior design of a washing machine.
Usually drum washing machines have detergent suppliers at the front of top of washing machines. Detergent box, which looks like a box or a drawer, is compartmentalized depending on types of detergent. When water is supplied through water tank on top of a washing machine, detergent is also supplied at the same time and is mixed with water.
Problem with these washing machines is that they also have display screens and control buttons where detergent suppliers are located.
“Because these washing machines have detergent boxes that are exposed in the front, it is difficult to use control panels that are located at the top of washing machines and this problem also is bad for appearance of washing machines.” said Samsung Electronics. “It is also inconvenient to supply necessary detergent whenever one has to wash clothes.”
Technology that is introduced by Samsung Electronics has detergent supplier located at the inner bottom of a washing machine. This method supplies detergent through electric power instead of water power by using pump that circulates water and detergent, detergent supplier, and motor.
Not only these washing machines can store detergent but they can also automatically supply detergent depending on amount of laundry. They can supply detergent or fabric softener depending on the type of washing and this allows users not to manually put in detergent whenever they are using these washing machines. Because inlet for detergent is seen by opening a door of a washing machine, this can emphasize exterior appearance even more. Opening and closing of an inlet for detergent is done through one-touch method.
Some believe that Samsung Electronics applied for this technology by having IoT-based washing machines in mind for the future. Because one does not manually have to put in detergent, it is possible to control these washing machines remotely.
“Although many home appliance manufacturers are developing IoT-based washing machines, there are limitations since one has to manually put in laundry or detergent.” said a representative for an industry. “One does not have to manually put in water or detergent when detergent is supplied automatically since detergent is supplied depending on laundry.”