пятница, 18 августа 2017 г.

Переносная АС JBL Boombox дебютирует на IFA 2017

Компания JBL (подразделение американского конгломерата HARMAN, принадлежащего Samsung), собирается представить новую переносную акустическую систему Boombox, которая в автономном режиме способна работать    целые сутки.
JBL Boombox - 5-килограмовая высококачественная колонка, имеющая встроенный аккумулятор ёмкостью 20.000мА•ч и способная выступать в роли портативного зарядного устройства для других мобильных гаджетов благодаря наличию 2-х полноразмерных портов USB.
АС защищена от попадания влаги в соответствии с требованиями класса защиты IPX7, то есть она без проблем выдержит даже падение в воду.
JBL Boombox получила два базовых режима воспроизведения музыки, которые оптимизированы для использования внутри помещений и на открытом воздухе.
Конструкторы предусмотрели возможность наращивания мощности звучания путём беспроводного подключения к JBL Boombox любой другой колонки с поддержкой протокола JBL Connect+.
Презентация устройства должна состояться в начале сентября на IFA 2017. Ориентировочная цена должна составить порядка 515 долларов США.

JBL Boombox speaker is a Bluetooth behemoth

While some Bluetooth speakers try to pack the best sound quality into as small a package as possible, the new JBL Boombox is taking the opposite approach. Definitely a boombox for the current decade (and century), the Boombox is one of the largest Bluetooth speakers we’ve ever seen. That increased size comes with some attractive benefits, though, such as a long-lasting battery and the promise of “exceptional sound and hard hitting bass.”
The Boombox itself weighs in at 11 pounds, but JBL is nevertheless keeping things portable by attaching a rather large handle to the top – just like the boomboxes we used to see in the ’80s. The speaker gets its weight from four active transducers and two bass radiators, and JBL isn’t shying away from how big it is, saying the speaker is a “substantial—but portable—package.”
The speaker’s massive battery most likely lends a lot to that weight too. The JBL Boombox is powered by a rechargeable 20,000mAh battery, giving it a quoted 24-hour battery life. As with all things battery-related, you mileage will likely vary, but definitely expect this to last a fair bit longer than most Bluetooth speakers you’ve encountered. You can even charge your mobile devices while playing music, using that massive battery as a power bank for your phone.
Like most JBL speakers that have been released recently, the Boombox comes with IP6X waterproofing, protecting it from rain, spills, and immersion in water. It also features two listening modes for indoor and outdoor use. Finally, it can be paired with up to 100 other JBL speakers through JBL’s Connect+ technology, though those other speakers will need to support Connect+ as well.
The Boombox isn’t available just yet, with JBL (by Samsung/Harman) planning to unveil the device at IFA 2017 next month. When it is available, you’ll be able to find it at JBL’s UK site for £399.99 (around $515 USD). There’s no word on if the speaker will come Stateside, but considering JBL is a pretty popular brand here, we’re guessing it will.

Южнокорейские ритейлеры уже открыли предзаказ на флагман Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Как сообщает технопортал ETnews, южнокорейские торговые сети уже организовали приём заказов на будущий флагманский смартфон Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
Столь ранний старт "подписной кампании" продавцы объясняют тем, что потенциальный спрос на новинку должен превысить прошлогодний рекорд Galaxy Note 7. Но ввиду того, что эта модель вскоре была изъята из продажи в связи с дефектом аккумуляторных батарей, на рынке крупноформатных фаблетов создался определённый дефицит. Фактически последним флагманским устройством, оборудованным стилусом и большим дисплеем оставался Galaxy Note 5, вышедший 2 года назад.
Рыночные эксперты, проанализировав ситуацию, рекомендовали продавцам заблаговременно позаботиться о клиентах (и, заодно, о себе, любимых), что наверняка позволит увеличить выручку.
"Чем раньше мы начнём привлекать покупателей Galaxy Note 8, тем лучше мы сможем удовлетворить повышенный спрос", - прокомментировал своё решение представитель одного из онлайн-магазинов мобильной техники.
Напомним, что официальная презентация Samsung Galaxy Note 8, получившего отменную аппаратную начинку, состоится 23 августа на спецмероприятии в Нью-Йорке. Не исключено, что в рамках анонса состоится и дебют нового спортивного TIZEN-трэкера Samsung Gear S2 Pro, который получил целый ряд важных улучшений, включая возможность погружения под воду на глубину до 50 метров и, соответственно, мониторить физическое состояние профессиональных пловцов. Обновлённое приложение Samsung Health теперь будет поддерживать дополнительный алгоритм, оценивающий качество тренировок в бассейне или открытом водоёме.
Тем не менее официальный представитель Samsung Electronics в интервью корреспонденту ETnews сказал, что до момента официальной презентации Galaxy Note 8 он не готов комментировать возможный выход гаджета в продажу ранее намеченного срока. Вопрос об ускоренных поставках ритейлерам будет решаться в отдельном порядке после 23 августа, отметил он.

Cellphone Retail Stores Start Taking Sales of Galaxy Note 8 by Subscription

Online and offline cellphone retailers started sales of Galaxy Note 8 by subscription. This is their strategic move to gain a competitive edge in supplies and members after expecting that there will be large amount of potential demands for Galaxy Note 8 due to recall of Galaxy Note 7.
Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers are also seeing heightened atmosphere throughout Smartphone markets and distributed posters that have information of Galaxy Note 8 to major retail stores in South Korea. They are also discussing about changing their initial schedule for sales by subscription and pre-activation.
Online and offline retailers started sales of Galaxy Note 8 by subscription.
“We started taking preorders for Galaxy Note 8.” said a representative for a cellphone retailer in Mapo-gu. “Although we did not receive official schedule for sales by subscription, customers will be able to activate Galaxy Note 8s without having to wait after they preorder Galaxy Note 8s.”
Sales of Galaxy Note 8 by subscription are also taking places very actively throughout online. There are companies that put out overseas trip gift card worth $2,633 (3 million KRW) as a free gift. As many companies started sales by subscription simultaneously, competitions for better free gifts are also heating up.
Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers also started marketing for Galaxy Note 8 by distributing posters that are related to Galaxy Note 8 to major stores in South Korea and others.
Poster includes an image of S Pen, which will come with Galaxy Note 8, and a schedule for Unpack event. Poster is building up expectations with a phrase ‘Every moment to be most like me, coming soon’. It is unprecedented that Samsung Electronics is distributing posters that information regarding a product before its Unpack event.
Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers agreed that it is inevitable for them not to change their strategies such as schedule for sales by subscription and are talking again regarding schedules for Galaxy Note 8. They are leaning towards pushing forward schedule for sales by subscription and extending duration for activation of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered.
According to their new schedule, Galaxy Note 8 will be launched on the 23rd of August (U.S. time) in New York and sales by subscription will last 9 days from the 30th of August until the 7th of September. Events for first activations will be held on the 8th of September and activations of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered will take place for 7 days from the 8th of September until the 14th of September. Galaxy Note 8 will officially be released on the 15th of September.
Although duration of sales by subscription is 2 days shorter than that of Galaxy S8, duration for activation of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered is extended by 4 days. Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers have decided to extend duration because they do not want to repeat an incident when there were setbacks with supplies of Galaxy S8s in certain colors and memories while activating Galaxy S8s that were preordered. They also want to activations to take place smoothly according to an order that preorders have been made.
“Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers agreed on the need to extend duration for activation of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered in order to carry out tasks smoothly and to minimize any inconvenience for customers.” said a representative for a mobile network provider. “Unless there are different opinions among Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers, there is a high chance that the original schedule will change according to how Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers discussed recently.”
“Because it is still before the Unpack event of Galaxy Note 8, we cannot mention any detailed schedules.” said a representative for Samsung Electronics. “Since Galaxy Note 8 is practically a new Galaxy Note series that is coming out since 2 years ago due to discontinuation of Galaxy Note 7, there will be enough potential demands for Galaxy Note 8.”

Объявленный Samsung конкурс на разработку эксклюзивных подставок для QLED-телевизоров всколыхнул дизайнерское сообщество

Как мы уже сообщали ранее, Samsung в содружестве с ведущим журналом для дизайнеров и архитекторов Dezeen, объявил конкурс на разработку новых типов подставок для топовых QLED-телевизоров модельного ряда 2017 года.
К удивлению организаторов конкурса, акция привлекла гораздо больше участников, чем ожидалось. Более 1200 участников из 83-х стран прислали свои работы, многие из которых привлекли внимание эстетов. Уровень конкуренции достиг 80:1. В результате жюри придётся сделать нелёгкий выбор, оставив для участия в финальных турах 15 проектов.
Отобранные для заключительного этапа 5 победителей будут объявлены 21 августа, причём каждый из них получит денежный приз. На поощрение лучших дизайнерских решений южнокорейский техногигант выделил 30.000 евро.
Что ж, до оглашения победителя конкурса остаются считанные дни, о чём мы непременно расскажем на страницах нашего блога.

Come and See the Never-Seen-Before TV Stands

Pulleys, plants, and even a surfboard feature in the shortlist of 15 stunning designs that have made it to the finals of a competition to create a unique stand for Samsung Electronics’ QLED TVs.
Samsung has partnered with Dezeen, a leading design and architectural magazine, to call for innovative stand concepts for Samsung’s QLED TV and announce the finalists for Samsung’s first ever global TV accessory design competition. The competition drew more than 1,200 participants from 83 different countries and the competition rate was as high as 80:1.
By making it to this stage of the competition, the 15 shortlisted designs will move on to the next round of judging, from which five designs will make the final cut. The final five will be announced on August 21, with each gaining a cash prize. A total prize of 30,000 euros will be awarded.
In order to participate in the competition, designers submitted their best QLED TV stand designs along with a corresponding strategic business plan.

Extraordinary designs

The competition’s shortlist features a variety of groundbreaking designs, including a TV stand that doubles as a plant pot and another that incorporates a decorative display shelf. Others include a design featuring a counter-weighted pulley system, one inspired by the Danish “hygge” craze and one that doubles as a surfboard stand.
Competition applicants were asked to develop their stand designs with a particular focus on users’ lifestyles in mind. While some of the designs are over-the-top, many that made the shortlist range from simple wooden designs and ceiling-mounted systems intended for minimal homes, to colored glass stands designed to match more luxurious interior décor.

Major showcase

The five finalists will also be invited to IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung) 2017, Europe’s leading consumer electronics and home appliance trade show, in Berlin, Germany from September 1 to 6. The top five designs will also be exhibited as part of a special installation at the Samsung booth at the show.
Samsung’s QLED TV is truly a lifestyle TV that gives consumers the freedom to place their television in various living spaces. The QLED TV is currently available in both flat and curved screen models and can be used with a variety of interchangeable stands, including the Gravity and Studio Stands. The QLED TV lineup is the first to standardize its TV stand structures, meaning each stand is compatible for the 55-inch and 65-inch QLED TV models as well as The Frame. These unique stands allow for consumers to customize their living spaces to fit their personal home aesthetic.
“Samsung believes in developing beautifully designed products that provide overall value to our consumers and their unique lifestyles. That’s why we’ve chosen to work with Dezeen to find the next great TV accessory,” said HyunSuk Kim, President of the Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “Our products are not only about innovative technology alone, but also about enhancing users’ existing home décor.”
To learn more about Dezeen X Samsung and the QLED TV line, please visit the Dezeen and Samsung Websites.

Система идентификации музыкальных произведений Shazam появилась в TIZEN-телевизорах Samsung

Shazam позволяет владельцам смарт-телевизоров Samsung идентифицировать музыку и сделать создание плейлистов проще, чем когда-либо

Накануне подразделение Samsung Electronics опубликовало официальный пресс-релиз, в котором сообщает, что последние поколения телевизоров, работающие на операционной системе TIZEN, получили доступ к сервису идентификации музыкальных трэков Shazam, который является одним из самых востребованных приложений для смарт-устройств.
Shazam предоставляет пользователям широкий спектр настроек и доступен на платформе Smart Hub в моделях телевизоров 2017 года.
Интеграция Shazam в телевизионную платформу поможет без лишних проблем определить, что за мелодия играет в том или ином шоу, телепередаче или фильме. Кроме того, используя пульт One Remote со встроенным микрофоном, достаточно произнести соответствующую команду, чтобы Shazam определил играющий в данный момент трэк.
Дополнительно сервис позволяет создавать плэйлисты из композиций, которые они определяют, отправлять эти композиции друзьям и многое другое.   

Samsung Smart TV Offers Shazam Music Service to Let Users Identify and Stream Music While Watching TV

Shazam enables Smart TVs to identify music and make creating playlists easier than ever

Samsung Electronics announced today the release of a new update for its 2017 Smart TV platform to support Shazam, one of the world’s most popular music apps. Shazam provides users with a customizable service and is available on Smart Hub of 2017 Samsung Smart TVs.
“We are thrilled to provide our Smart TV users with the ultimate music service through our partnership with Shazam,” said Hee-man Lee, Vice President of the Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “Smart TV capabilities are constantly evolving with the addition of innovative apps, and we are committed to continually delivering advanced technology through partnerships with highly capable software companies like Shazam.”
Shazam grants Smart TV viewers the ability to identify songs that are playing in TV shows or films easily and quickly. With a single click, users are able to access song titles, artists, lyrics and albums while watching content, whether it’s live TV or content delivered over HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface).
Users can also utilize voice recognition technology in the Samsung One Remote to identify songs. By speaking into the remote and asking, “What is this song?”, Shazam instantly provides information about the music being played.
Additionally, Shazam offers viewers the option to stream the music they identify and creates playlists that can be accessed at any time without having to run an external app. Samsung’s Smart Hub provides music content through streaming partners, including Spotify, Napster and Deezer, for those who subscribe to these services.
“We are excited to integrate Shazam’s functionality with another medium that’s enjoyed by so many people around the world, and we couldn’t think of a more fitting partner than Samsung,” said Fabio Santini, Shazam Chief Product Officer. “Smart TVs felt like a natural evolution for the Shazam experience, and Samsung has always been a leading innovator in the space. We can’t wait for viewers and Shazam users alike to try this new feature.”
Shazam is one of the most popular music-discovery apps across the globe, reaching hundreds of millions of mobile users. Shazam music service is available in Samsung’s Smart Hub in Korea, the U.S., the U.K., France and Germany.
For more information on Samsung Smart TVs, please visit www.samsung.com

About Shazam

Shazam is one of the most popular apps of all time, used by hundreds of millions of people to magically connect to the world around them. Building on its pioneering leadership in music identification, Shazam now helps people discover, interact with, and share audio, video, printed or augmented reality content—and lets music fans follow their favorite artists to share in the thrill of discovery. The app has been downloaded over one billion times, in over 190 countries, and users Shazam over 20 million times each day. For more information, please visit www.shazam.com