Замыкает десятку лидеров гигант электронной торговли Amazon. Японская Sony в TOP10 не попала, удовлетворившись 11-й позицией. Facebook и Huawei Technologies заняли 23 и 40 места соответственно.
TOP10 самых привлекательных работодателей мира в этом снова возглавила компания Google (с недавних пор подразделение Alphabeth Inc.). Остальные места в первой пятёрке достались Microsoft, Apple, BMW Group и Intel.
Samsung named one of preferred employers for IT majors
Samsung Electronics was named as one of most preferred employers among college students majoring in engineering and information technology, research showed on Oct. 1.
The Korean tech giant was placed ninth in the 2018 World’s Most Attractive Employers survey conducted by human-resources researcher Universum, up one notch from last year.
Samsung was included in the top 10 list for the third consecutive year.
US online commerce giant Amazon.com followed in 10th place, trailed by Japan’s Sony. Meanwhile, Facebook and Huawei Technologies occupied the 23rd and 40th spots, respectively.
Google topped the list, followed by Microsoft, Apple, BMW Group, and Intel.