Столь ранний старт "подписной кампании" продавцы объясняют тем, что потенциальный спрос на новинку должен превысить прошлогодний рекорд Galaxy Note 7. Но ввиду того, что эта модель вскоре была изъята из продажи в связи с дефектом аккумуляторных батарей, на рынке крупноформатных фаблетов создался определённый дефицит. Фактически последним флагманским устройством, оборудованным стилусом и большим дисплеем оставался Galaxy Note 5, вышедший 2 года назад.
Рыночные эксперты, проанализировав ситуацию, рекомендовали продавцам заблаговременно позаботиться о клиентах (и, заодно, о себе, любимых), что наверняка позволит увеличить выручку.
"Чем раньше мы начнём привлекать покупателей Galaxy Note 8, тем лучше мы сможем удовлетворить повышенный спрос", - прокомментировал своё решение представитель одного из онлайн-магазинов мобильной техники.
Напомним, что официальная презентация Samsung Galaxy Note 8, получившего отменную аппаратную начинку, состоится 23 августа на спецмероприятии в Нью-Йорке. Не исключено, что в рамках анонса состоится и дебют нового спортивного TIZEN-трэкера Samsung Gear S2 Pro, который получил целый ряд важных улучшений, включая возможность погружения под воду на глубину до 50 метров и, соответственно, мониторить физическое состояние профессиональных пловцов. Обновлённое приложение Samsung Health теперь будет поддерживать дополнительный алгоритм, оценивающий качество тренировок в бассейне или открытом водоёме.
Тем не менее официальный представитель Samsung Electronics в интервью корреспонденту ETnews сказал, что до момента официальной презентации Galaxy Note 8 он не готов комментировать возможный выход гаджета в продажу ранее намеченного срока. Вопрос об ускоренных поставках ритейлерам будет решаться в отдельном порядке после 23 августа, отметил он.
Cellphone Retail Stores Start Taking Sales of Galaxy Note 8 by Subscription
Online and offline cellphone retailers started sales of Galaxy Note 8 by subscription. This is their strategic move to gain a competitive edge in supplies and members after expecting that there will be large amount of potential demands for Galaxy Note 8 due to recall of Galaxy Note 7.
Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers are also seeing heightened atmosphere throughout Smartphone markets and distributed posters that have information of Galaxy Note 8 to major retail stores in South Korea. They are also discussing about changing their initial schedule for sales by subscription and pre-activation.
Online and offline retailers started sales of Galaxy Note 8 by subscription.
“We started taking preorders for Galaxy Note 8.” said a representative for a cellphone retailer in Mapo-gu. “Although we did not receive official schedule for sales by subscription, customers will be able to activate Galaxy Note 8s without having to wait after they preorder Galaxy Note 8s.”
Sales of Galaxy Note 8 by subscription are also taking places very actively throughout online. There are companies that put out overseas trip gift card worth $2,633 (3 million KRW) as a free gift. As many companies started sales by subscription simultaneously, competitions for better free gifts are also heating up.
Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers also started marketing for Galaxy Note 8 by distributing posters that are related to Galaxy Note 8 to major stores in South Korea and others.
Poster includes an image of S Pen, which will come with Galaxy Note 8, and a schedule for Unpack event. Poster is building up expectations with a phrase ‘Every moment to be most like me, coming soon’. It is unprecedented that Samsung Electronics is distributing posters that information regarding a product before its Unpack event.
Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers agreed that it is inevitable for them not to change their strategies such as schedule for sales by subscription and are talking again regarding schedules for Galaxy Note 8. They are leaning towards pushing forward schedule for sales by subscription and extending duration for activation of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered.
According to their new schedule, Galaxy Note 8 will be launched on the 23rd of August (U.S. time) in New York and sales by subscription will last 9 days from the 30th of August until the 7th of September. Events for first activations will be held on the 8th of September and activations of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered will take place for 7 days from the 8th of September until the 14th of September. Galaxy Note 8 will officially be released on the 15th of September.
Although duration of sales by subscription is 2 days shorter than that of Galaxy S8, duration for activation of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered is extended by 4 days. Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers have decided to extend duration because they do not want to repeat an incident when there were setbacks with supplies of Galaxy S8s in certain colors and memories while activating Galaxy S8s that were preordered. They also want to activations to take place smoothly according to an order that preorders have been made.
“Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers agreed on the need to extend duration for activation of Galaxy Note 8s that are preordered in order to carry out tasks smoothly and to minimize any inconvenience for customers.” said a representative for a mobile network provider. “Unless there are different opinions among Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers, there is a high chance that the original schedule will change according to how Samsung Electronics and mobile network providers discussed recently.”
“Because it is still before the Unpack event of Galaxy Note 8, we cannot mention any detailed schedules.” said a representative for Samsung Electronics. “Since Galaxy Note 8 is practically a new Galaxy Note series that is coming out since 2 years ago due to discontinuation of Galaxy Note 7, there will be enough potential demands for Galaxy Note 8.”