понедельник, 4 декабря 2017 г.

Samsung признан одним из лучших работодателей во Вьетнаме

С апреля 2009 года число сотрудников, работающих на вьетнамских предприятиях Samsung Electronics превышает 100.000. В настоящее время во Вьетнаме действует 2 крупных объекта транснациональной корпорации: завод Samsung Electronics Vietnam, SEV в промышленной зоне Йен Фонг (провинция Бак-Нинь) и Samsung Electronics Vietnam - Thai Nguyen, SEVT в районе Йен Пхо (провинций Тай-Нгуэн).
В этом году SEV и SEVT попали в список "Предприятия с наилучшими условиями для работников 2017", в который стремились попасть 74 компании со всего Вьетнама. Все номинанты предприняли немалые усилия в стремлении к устойчивому развитию, предоставляя благоприятную среду для своих сотрудников.
Оба предприятия южнокорейской корпорации вошли в число 30 крупнейших компаний, получивших Сертификат от Вьетнамской конфедерации труда (VGSL) за  выдающиеся достижения в сфере организации рабочей среды.
Рейтинг "Предприятия для рабочих" основан на определённом наборе критериев, по которым определяются лучшие работодатели. Особый приоритет отдаётся тем, которые обеспечивают высокий уровень охраны труда (в том числе медобслуживание) и благосостояния работников (проще говоря, высокие зарплаты), а также соблюдает действующее трудовое законодательство.
Важным фактором также является наличие профессионального обучения, которое даёт возможность карьерного роста.
Сертификат Вьетнамской конфедерации труда присуждается не только за особые заслуги в сфере обеспечения интересов работников. Лауреаты, в числе которых находятся SEV и SEVT также были признаны компаниями, которые демонстрируют приверженность тому, что люди являются основной ценностью и движущей силой развития.
На церемонии вручения, состоявшейся 29 ноября в Ханое, получили Сертификаты и почётные награды за выдающиеся заслуги в сфере охраны труда от вице-президента Вьетнама и председателя Вьетнамского Отечественного фронта.

Samsung Electronics Recognized in Vietnam as One of the Best Enterprises for Employees

In operation since April 2009, Samsung Electronics in Vietnam has more than 100,000 employees working across its manufacturing facilities in the Yen Phong Industrial Zone in Bac Ninh Province (Samsung Electronics Vietnam; SEV) and Pho Yen District in Thai Nguyen Province (Samsung Electronics Vietnam – Thai Nguyen; SEVT).
This year, both SEV and SEVT made Vietnam’s “Enterprises for Laborers (Doanh nghiệp vì người lao động) 2017” list, which honored 74 companies across Vietnam that strived to achieve sustainable development by providing a positive work environment for their employees. Both entities were also among the top 30 companies that were awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) for their outstanding achievement.
The “Enterprises for Laborers” rating is based on a specific set of criteria developed by labor and trade experts. The criteria ensure a close reflection of the actual use and treatment of employees in the company in a wide range of standards from vocational training to mental well-being. Special priority is given to enterprises that have better welfare for employees and implementation of laws in place. The listed companies are also consulted on various aspects with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA).
The Certificate of Merit is awarded to companies that achieved outstanding results in taking care of the well-being of their employees, in addition to protecting their legitimate rights and interests. The awardees, including SEV and SEVT, were recognized as companies that exemplify their belief that humans are the core value and the driving force for the development of enterprises.

Recognized for Professional and Healthy Environment for Employees

In the awards ceremony held in Hanoi on November 29, 2017, the representatives of SEV and SEVT were given the Certificate of Merit and its trophy by Madam Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, Vice President of Vietnam and Mr. Tran Thanh Man, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.
Samsung in Vietnam provides a professional and healthy environment for its employees that ensures their well-being. Among the various benefits SEV provides for employees, the company was in particular recognized for its maternity support, including special treatment for pregnant employees. The company also provides modern housing and amenities, which includes a dormitory that comes with cinema, welfare rooms, a supermarket, a hair salon, a yoga room and a gym.
SEVT, a company with more than 68,000 employees, also has systems in place to make their employees’ lives easier, such as 550 high-quality vehicles that pick-up employees daily from the neighboring provinces. Like SEV, employees are provided with an excellent living experience with a dormitory of 26 buildings which accommodates more than 22,000 employees and is equipped with quality amenities.
Samsung, as it continues its operations in Vietnam, will remain committed to ensuring the well-being of its employees there, as well as identifying new avenues for their growth and training, and job satisfaction.
In Vietnam, the “Enterprises for Laborers” ranking is announced every year under the goal of creating a broader movement of encouraging businesses to care more about human resources, development of enterprises and communities. Organized by Lao Dong Newspaper since 2014, the list is initiated by VGCL in cooperation with MOLISA and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).