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вторник, 2 февраля 2021 г.

HARMAN получил рекордные 20 наград CES 2021 за выдающиеся инновации

Техногигант Samsung Electronics, забравший львиную долю наград CES 2021 Innovation, может прибавить к уже имеющимся 44-м ещё 20 премий, завоёванных его американским дочерним предприятием HARMAN (мультибрэндовый конгломерат, ставший частью империи Samsung в марте 2017 года). 
CES, считающаяся самым влиятельным событием в мире хайтэка, всегда является для HARMAN особой возможностью продемонстрировать свои самые передовые продукты и технологии. Несмотря на то, что в этом году CES проводилась исключительно в онлайн-формате из-за продолжающейся пандемии Covid-19, выставка, несомненно, продемонстрировала множество свежих идей и технологических прорывов. И судя по рекордным 20-ти наградам CES® 2021, которые HARMAN получил в этом году, конгломерат вошёл в число самых ярких звёзд этого шоу.
Продукция таких брэндов HARMAN как JBL, Harman/Kardon, Mark Levinson и Infinity была удостоена награды CES 2021 Innovation Awards в области потребительской, автомобильной и роскошной аудиотехники, что свидетельствует о наличии широкого портфеля выдающихся продуктов у ведущего мирового производителя аудиотехники и автомобильной электроники.
Одним из наиболее заметных победителей стала акустическая система Harman/Kardon Radiance 2400, получившая награду «Best of Innovation Award». Система представляет собой идеальное сочетание гладкого, минималистичного дизайна и материалов премиум-класса. Harman/Kardon Radiance 2400 оснащён двумя сверхтонкими напольными динамиками и мощным сабвуфером, обеспечивающими богатое и детализированное звучание. Harman/Kardon Radiance 2400 также является первым из домашних аудиопродуктов HARMAN, оснащенным технологиями, которые обычно используются в профессиональных коммерческих аудиосистемах. Radiance поддерживает технологию CTB™ (постоянная ширина луча).
Кроме того, универсальный сабвуфер и портативная колонка JBL BassPro Go были отмечены в двух различных продуктовых сегментах: в категории «Портативные медиаплееры и аксессуары» и в категории «Развлечения и безопасность в автомобиле». Среди других обладателей награды Honoree Innovation значатся следующие продукты:

• Впечатляющая линейка из 5-ти беспроводных наушников JBL с JBL Tour Pro+, JBL Club Pro+, JBL Live Pro+JBL Live Free NC+ и JBL Reflect Mini NC.
JBL Arena X Speakers, флагманская автомобильная акустическая система из серии JBL ARENA.
JBL DSP Amplifier, автономная аудиосистема, оснащённая всем необходимым для создания звука профессионального качества.
JBL PartyBox 310, портативная акустическая система для вечеринок с мощным звуком, ярким светом и впечатляющей мощностью.
Harman/Kardon Soundsticks IV, необычная звуковая система со "скульптурным дизайном", конфигурацией звука 2.1 с потрясающими сателлитами и сабвуфером со светящейся светодиодной подсветкой для улучшения качества прослушивания.
Mark Levinson №5105, высококачественный проигрыватель виниловых дисков, сочетающий в себе блестящие элементы дизайна с исключительным музыкальным исполнением. 
Mark Levinson №5206, потрясающий высокопрецизионный предусилитель с полностью дискретным двойным монофоническим унифицированным линейным каскадом класса А.
• Динамики серии Infinity Kappa, элегантные и мощные многоэлементные автомобильные аудиосистемы с возможностью трёхсторонней модернизации и широким диапазоном размеров.

«HARMAN продолжает устанавливать новые стандарты инноваций и дизайна с самыми известными в мире аудиобрэндами, обладая на сегодняшний день 382 наградами в области дизайна и технологий», - сказал Дэйв Роджерс, президент подразделения Lifestyle. «Каждый год наши дизайнеры и инженеры превосходят самих себя, создавая продукты и решения, которые не только удовлетворяют потребности наших клиентов, но и предвосхищают их. Именно благодаря этим выдающимся людям HARMAN остаётся брэндом №1 в мире аудиотехники».
CES Innovation Awards, созданная и принадлежащая Ассоциации потребительских технологий (CTA)®, представляет собой ежегодный конкурс, посвящённый выдающимся разработкам в области потребительских технологий в 28-ми товарных категориях. Элитный состав отраслевых экспертов и судей, включающий представителя профильных СМИ, дизайнера, инженера и т.д., тщательно рассматривает новинки, прежде чем вынести окончательный вердикт.

HARMAN Wins Record 20 Innovation Awards at CES 2021

Tech giant Samsung Electronics, which has won 44 CES 2021 awards, could add to another 20 that went to its american subsidiary HARMAN.
Considered to be the most influential tech event in the world, CES is always a special opportunity for HARMAN to showcase latest and most exciting products and innovations. Even though this year's CES was held exclusively online due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the exhibit undoubtedly showcased many fresh ideas and technological breakthroughs. And judging by the record 20 CES® 2021 awards that HARMAN received this year, the conglomerate has become one of the brightest stars of this show.
Products of HARMAN’s JBL, Harman Kardon, Mark Levinson and Infinity brands were named CES 2021 Innovation Awards Honorees in consumer, car and luxury audio alike, testifying to the excellence of HARMAN’s broad portfolio of premium audio brands. One of Harman's big winners was the Harman/Kardon Radiance 2400 speaker system, which won a “Best of Innovation Award”. The system is a perfect blend of sleek, minimalist design and premium materials, the Harman/Kardon Radiance 2400 features two ultra-slim floor-standing speakers and a powerful subwoofer, producing a rich, detailed soundscape. The Harman/Kardon Radiance 2400 is also the very first of HARMAN’s home audio products to be equipped with technology normally used in professional commercial audio systems, Radiance features Constant Beamwidth Technology™ (CBT), a patented acoustic technology that uses 24 precisely calibrated transducers per speaker to create a wide sweet-spot so listeners hear amazing audio, no matter where they are in the room.
In addition, the JBL BassPro Go all-in-one subwoofer and portable speaker was recognized in two different product categories, the Portable Media Players & Accessories category and the In-Vehicle Entertainment & Safety category. Other lucky Honoree Innovation award winners include:

• An impressive lineup of 5 JBL true wireless headphones with the JBL Tour Pro+, JBL Club Pro+, JBL Live Pro+JBL Live Free NC+ and JBL Reflect Mini NC.
JBL Arena X Speakers, the flagship automotive loudspeaker from the JBL ARENA series.
JBL DSP Amplifier, a self-contained audio system equipped with everything users need to create professional sound quality.
JBL PartyBox 310, a portable party speaker with huge sound, dazzling lights and impressive power.
Harman/Kardon Soundsticks IV, an extraordinary sound system with sculptural design, featuring a 2.1 audio configuration with stunning satellites and a subwoofer with a luminous LED to enhance the listening experience.
Mark Levinson №5105, a premium high-performance turntable that blends lustrous design elements with exceptional musical performance. 
Mark Levinson №5206, a stunning precision preamplifier with a fully discrete, dual-monaural unified class A unified line stage.
Infinity Kappa Series Speakers, sleek and powerful car audio multi-element speakers with three-way upgradeability and a wide range of sizes.

“HARMAN continues to set new standards for innovation and design with the world’s most lauded audio brands, tallying more 382 design and technology awards to date,” said Dave Rogers, President of the Lifestyle Division. “Every year, our designers and engineers outperform themselves by creating products and solutions that not only meet our customers’ needs but anticipate them as well. It is thanks to these exceptional men and women that HARMAN remains the №1 audio award-winner in the industry.”
The CES Innovation Awards program, owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®, is an annual competition honoring outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology products across 28 product categories. An elite panel of industry expert judges, including members of the media, designers, engineers and more, reviewed submissions based on innovation, engineering and functionality, and aesthetic and design.

суббота, 12 сентября 2020 г.

Российское отделение HARMAN отсудило права на домен jbl.ru у киберсквоттеров

На этой неделе московский суд  рассмотрел довольно необычное для России дело. Иск подал американский конгломерат HARMAN International Industries (с марта 2017 года полностью принадлежит корпорации Samsung Electronics). Производящая аудиотехнику компания JBL, которая, в свою очередь, является частью HARMAN, решила отсудить домен jbl.ru, которым владел убитый в 2014 году бизнесмен Сергей Сладков, председатель еврейского бизнес-клуба «Ошер». По этому факту суд разъяснил, можно ли унаследовать домен.
Несмотря на гибель Сладкова, регистратор домена продлевал его действие до 2018 года, так как интернет-адрес был проплачен заранее. В 2017-м году HARMAN потребовал передать домен в его распоряжение. Узнав о смерти ответчика, суд прекратил производство.
Тогда HARMAN обратился в Арбитражный суд Москвы, но и там иск был отклонён — у домена уже появился новый владелец. Его перехватила компания Datahost, которая юридически оформлена на острове Белиз. Юрист HARMAN Russia Екатерина Калиничева заявила, что производитель аудиотехники стал жертвой киберсквоттеров — людей, которые перехватывают домены, чтобы потом перепродать их.
Уже в 2019-м году в суд подала дочь Сладкова — Сара-Джейн. Она захотела отсудить у Datahost домен jbl.ru, потому что она является наследником прежнего владельца адреса. Калиничева была против: «Домен — это не имущество, не вещь, не средство индивидуализации, не результат интеллектуальной деятельности, поэтому он не может быть унаследован».
Противоположную позицию занял владелец проекта «Домены.рф» Андрей Савельев. Он указывал, что в американской зоне домен jbl.us принадлежит HARMAN. Но в Германии по адресу jbl.de вообще продают корм для рыбок. Савельев расшифровал аббревиатуру JBL как Jewish Business Life («Еврейская деловая жизнь»).
Но в итоге все суды приняли сторону HARMAN. Сару-Джейн Сладкову лишили прав на домен jbl.ru, а компанию Datahost обязали передать адрес конгломерату HARMAN. Действия Datahost посчитали недобросовестным использованием домена. Кроме того, суд заключил, что права на сетевой адрес не входят в наследственную массу.

HARMAN Russia has won a court case against cybersquatters for the ownership of the jbl.ru domain

This week, a Moscow court examined a rather unusual case for Russia. The lawsuit was filed by the American conglomerate HARMAN International Industries (since March 2017, it has been wholly owned by Samsung Electronics). The audio equipment company JBL, which, in turn, is part of HARMAN, decided to obtain the rights to the jbl.ru domain, which was owned by businessman and chairman of the Osher Jewish business club Sergei Sladkov, who was killed in 2014. On this fact, the court clarified whether it is possible to inherit the domain.
Despite the death of Sladkov, the domain registrar extended its validity until 2018, since the Internet address was paid in advance. In 2017, HARMAN demanded that the domain be transferred to him. Upon learning of the death of the defendant, the court terminated the proceedings. Then HARMAN appealed to the Moscow Arbitration Court, but there the claim was rejected - the domain already had a new owner. It was intercepted by Datahost, which is legally incorporated on the island of Belize. HARMAN Russia lawyer Yekaterina Kalinicheva said that the audio equipment manufacturer has become a victim of cybersquatters - people who intercept domains in order to resell them later.
Already in 2019, Sladkov's daughter, Sara-Jane, filed a lawsuit. She wanted to take the jbl.ru domain from Datahost, since she is the heir to the previous owner of the address. Kalinicheva was against: "A domain is not a property, not a thing, not a means of individualization, not a result of intellectual activity, so it cannot be inherited."
The opposite position was taken by the owner of the "Domains.rf" project, Andrey Savelyev. He pointed out that in the American zone, the domain jbl.us really belongs to HARMAN. But in Germany, jbl.de is an online store selling fish food. Savelyev deciphered the JBL abbreviation as Jewish Business Life.
But in the end, all the courts sided with HARMAN. Sara-Jane Sladkova was deprived of the rights to the jbl.ru domain, and Datahost was ordered to transfer the address to the HARMAN conglomerate. Datahost's actions were deemed domain name abuse. In addition, the court concluded that the rights to the network address were not included in the estate.

четверг, 2 апреля 2020 г.

Напольная акустика JBL Studio 690 от Samsung/Harman (видеообзор Михаила Борзенкова)

Известный в России обозреватель новинок из мира высококлассной аудиотехники Михаил Борзенков опробовал в работе поступивший недавно в продажу комплект акустики JBL Studio 6-й серии.
Предлагаем вашему вниманию видеорепортаж, где эксцентричный аудиофил высказывает своё мнение о свежих продуктах, произведённых альянсом Samsung/Harman*.

* Мультибрэндовый конгломерат Harman International Industries с 2017 года полностью принадлежит южнокорейскому техногиганту Samsung Electronics. Все компании, входящие в состав Harman, согласно договорённости с руководством Samsung, сохраняют свои фирменные отличия и независимую политику в разработке аудиотехники.

JBL Studio 690: High definition imaging for high fidelity sound

For those searching for a home audio speaker system that goes above and beyond what they’ve ever heard, seek no further: The new JBL Studio 6 speaker system is everything your inner audiophile could hope for. Enjoy the top-ranked sound of its PolyPlas cones; marvel at the concert-grade accuracy and power of its acoustics speaker drivers; and get electrified by its HD imaging waveguide, complete with high-frequency compression driver. It features a modern new clean look that’s equally stylish and easy to set up. After JBL Studio 6, home listening will never sound – or feel – the same.

General Specifications

Dual 8", 2.5-way compression driver floor standing loudspeaker
Dual 8" (203mm) PolyPlas Low-Frequency Woofer
High Definition Imaging (HDI) Waveguide with 1” (25mm) High Frequency Compression Driver
Recommended Amplifier PowerMax 250W
Frequency Response 36Hz – 40kHz
Sensitivity 90dB @ 1M, 2.83V
Nominal Impedance 6 Ohms
Crossover Frequencies 600 Hz, 1.7 kHz
Enclosure TypeBass-Reflex via Rear-Firing Tuned Port

Dimensions (WxDxH) 300x350x1058mm

вторник, 28 января 2020 г.

Samsung открывает второй LED-кинозал Onyx в Колумбии

Samsung и кинопрокатная компания Cine Colombia объявили об открытии второго на территории Колумбии кинозала, оборудованного ультрасовременным LED-экраном Onyx, который разработан южнокорейским техногигантом.
Система окружающего звука поставляется компанией JBL, которая является составной частью американского мультибрэнодового конгломерата HARMAN (с марта 2017 года принадлежит Samsung Electronics). В новом кинозале установлено 150 акустических модулей от JBL Professional со звуковым процессором, способным поддерживать различные технологии объёмного звучания, включая Dolby Atmos.  
456-дюймовый LED-экран Onyx может демонстрировать намного более яркое и контрастное изображение по сравнению с традиционными проекторами. Это особенно важно для качественного восприятия 3D-кино. Samsung Onyx также поддерживает формат ультравысокой чёткости 4K и технологию HDR (High Dynamic Range). По оценкам специалистов, киноэкран Samsung Onyx в несколько раз превосходит возможности даже самых лучших лазерных проекторов, а также имеет гораздо более длительный срок службы.
В настоящее время десятки кинозалов в разных частях света уже оборудованы революционным решением от Samsung. Кинотеатры и отдельные залы Onyx открыты в таких странах как Южная Корея, США, Китай, Германия, Франция, Испания, Австрия, Швейцария, Мексика, Бразилия, Индия, Таиланд и многих других.
В ближайшие годы Samsung планирует значительное расширение своего присутствия в мировой киноиндустрии.

Samsung opens second Onyx LED cinema in Colombia

Samsung and Cine Colombia have announced the opening of their second cinema in Colombia, equipped with the ultra-modern Onyx LED screen, designed by the South Korean tech giant.
The surround sound system is supplied by JBL, which is part of the American multibranded conglomerate HARMAN (owned by Samsung Electronics since March 2017). The new cinema has 150 speakers from JBL Professional with a sound processor capable of supporting various surround sound technologies, including Dolby Atmos.
The 456-inch Onyx LED screen can display a much brighter and sharper image than traditional projectors. This is especially important for a good 3D movie experience. Samsung Onyx also supports 4K ultra-high definition and HDR (High Dynamic Range) technology. According to experts, the Samsung Onyx LED screen is several times superior to even the best laser projectors, and also has a much longer life.
Currently, dozens of cinema halls in different parts of the world are already equipped with a revolutionary solution from Samsung. Cinemas and separate halls under the Onyx brand are open in countries such as South Korea, the USA, China, Germany, France, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, India, Thailand and many others.
In the coming years, Samsung plans to significantly expand its presence in the global film industry.

суббота, 14 сентября 2019 г.

IFA 2019: краткий видеоэкскурс в павильон JBL

Компания JBL, ныне принадлежащая Samsung Electronics в составе американского мультибрэндового конгломерата HARMAN International Industries, продемонстрировала на проходившей на днях выставке потребительской электроники IFA 2019 в Берлине свои новинки. Предлагаем вашему вниманию небольшую видеоэкскурсию по стендам JBL, где рассказано о наиболее востребованных продуктах.

IFA 2019: short videotour of the JBL Pavilion

JBL, now owned by Samsung Electronics as part of the American multi-brand conglomerate HARMAN International Industries, showed off its latest products at the IFA 2019 Consumer Electronics Show in Berlin a few days ago. We bring to your attention a small video tour of the JBL stands, which tells about the most popular products.

JBL® Pulse 4: Lights. Sound. Party.

A portable speaker with LED lightshow and JBL Signature sound

High-resolution LED lights beneath its sleek surface produce stunning light shows that bring a whole new dimension to your favourite songs. With JBL’s classic Signature sound, you’ll hear the crisp highs and deep bass from all angles.
The JBL Connect app allows you to choose colours and effects to suit any mood. Use your phone camera to really take customisation to the next level, letting you scan and colour-match any object that takes your fancy. Kick back to calming pastels and classic chill out vibes, or shred along to flickering orange flames - the choice is yours.
Up to two smartphones or tablets can connect at once to keep the music flowing among friends, while a 12-hour battery life and IPX7 waterproof build ensure the Pulse 4 can handle any rave, come rain or shine. Head to the PartyBoost feature in the JBL Connect app to really crank up the fun and wirelessly connect more than 100 JBL PartyBoost enabled speakers.
With its powerful sound and eye-catching light show covering the full speaker, the JBL Pulse 4 is truly a feast for the senses.
“The JBL Pulse speakers are loved all over the world, thanks to their eye catching design, but we wanted to make them better while staying true to our values. The JBL Pulse 4 is unique, using cutting-edge technology that provides the perfect form for our customers to express themselves and their individuality. We’ve introduced a full speaker lightshow to really elevate the sound and make it shine,” said Dave Rogers, President, HARMAN Lifestyle Audio.

JBL Pulse 4 Features:

* Wireless Bluetooth® streaming: Wirelessly connect up to two smartphones or tablets to the speaker and take turns enjoying powerful sound
* Play time: Ready to get your groove on? Pulse 4 delivers up to 12 hours of party time on a single charge, with USB-C charging
* IPX7 waterproof: Take the speaker to the beach or the pool without worrying about spills or even a tumble in the pool
* PartyBoost: Pump up the party by wirelessly connecting more than 100 JBL PartyBoost enabled speakers
* Shake it up: It couldn't be easier to connect your LED light show with other nearby Pulse4's - simply hold your speaker nearby and shake it to sync up 
* Customisable 360° light show sets the atmosphere by animating songs visually using the JBL Connect app

The JBL Pulse 4 will be available in white or black for £229 and $199.95 (U.S.) starting fall 2019.

JBL sound plus easy music streaming: Meet JBL® Link Portable and Link Music

From heart-thumping basslines to face-melting guitar solos, the new JBL Link Portable and Link Music have arrived. With 360 JBL Signature Sound, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, Chromecast and Google Assistant built-in, they’ve got brains to match their beauty.
If you’re a music lover or an avid podcast subscriber; there’s a speaker for you. An absolute feast for the eyes, both speakers are available in ocean blue, black, grey, sienna brown, yellow green and straw. These speakers will match any vibe.
Enjoy smart sound all round with the JBL Link Portable. With an eight-hour battery life and full IPX7 waterproof housing, you can go from a sing-along in the bathroom to chilling on the balcony without worrying if it will run out of power. The handy charging cradle means you can easily pop it on to power up, no fiddly wires required.
As for the JBL Link Music speaker, don’t be fooled by its size. JBL Link Music pulses sound in every direction thanks to a full-range transducer with 360-degree capabilities. Enjoy crystal-clear trebles, sharp mids and wall-to-wall bass throughout your home. If you’re streaming tunes or asking for the latest weather and news updates, for only €99, what’s not to love?
“Listening to our customers is just as important to us as listening to our audio products. Our customers have told us how important easy music streaming is to them. We get this. That’s why we’ve designed these speakers with the option of Wi-Fi streaming for more seamless connectivity. There’s no danger of being disturbed by calls or worrying if your phone runs out of juice. 360 JBL Sound is a key feature in both speakers whether you prefer static or portable. We’ve priced the JBL Link Portable and Link Music very competitively while providing all the favourite features people want.” said Dave Rogers, President, HARMAN Lifestyle Audio.

Key features:

* JBL Signature Sound - Enjoy smarter 360 sound all around, with dedicated passive radiators
Google Assistant built-in – Play and control music with your voice
* Chromecast built-in with multi-room music playback – seamlessly integrates with hundreds of compatible streaming apps (such as Google Play Music and Spotify) and connects to other Link or Chromecast speakers for multi room listening
* AirPlay 2 – effortlessly stream from Apple Music or locally stored tracks from Apple devices
* HD audio streaming (24bit/96K) – Chromecast streams directly from the cloud, so you’ll enjoy the highest sound quality
* Wi-Fi & Bluetooth connectivity – Supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth, resulting in a faster, robust and more stable connection
* 8 hours play time – Move freely around your home, there’s a charging cradle for easy recharging (Link Portable only)
*IPX7 waterproof– Move the speaker room to room without worrying about spills or even submersion in water (Link Portable only)
* The JBL LINK Music and JBL LINK Portable will be available for £89 (99 EUR), $99.95 (U.S.) and £139 (149 EUR), $149.95 (U.S.), respectively.

JBL® LIVE 300TWS: Your sound unleashed

True Wireless headphones with JBL Signature Sound keep you connected

Live free from wires with the brand new JBL LIVE 300TWS. Truly wireless, seamlessly connected and beautifully designed, the JBL LIVE 300TWS lets you unleash your sound, anytime, everywhere. Equipped with powerful drivers, they deliver enhanced bass to make your playlist pop.
Stay connected in every moment with the JBL LIVE300TWS. Using the Ambient Aware function you can hear what’s happening around you, so if you’re in a busy city, or listening out for your flight to be called, you’ll never miss a beat. The TalkThru mode allows you to turn the music down and talk to your friends, without removing your headphones. With Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa on hand you get answers straight into your ears, be it directions to a gig or checking the weather.
"Last year saw a huge increase in the true wireless headphones market. We wanted to develop a range of true wireless headphones to let everyone feel fully immersed in the moment, no matter their activity,” said Dave Rogers, President, HARMAN Lifestyle Audio. "JBL’s signature sound powers people through their days, whether it be getting to work or training for an Ironman. The addition of JBL LIVE 300TWS takes our true wireless offering to the next level thanks to the Urban Noise Control alongside the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa integration.”  

JBL LIVE 300TWS will be available on JBL.com from November 2019 for €149 ($149.95 U.S.) in black, white and blue.

Features of the LIVE 300TWS:

* JBL Signature Sound
* Up to 6-hour music playback, 18 hours combined with charging case
* Urban Noise Control: Ambient Aware and TalkThru
* IPX5 Sweatproof and water resistant
* Get help from your favourite Voice Assistant. Use the JBL App to activate the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa to change your playlist, check the weather or ask for directions
* Ergonomic fit and design
* 10-minute speed charging capabilities for 1 full hour of battery life

And that’s not all. The JBL LIVE 300TWS joins a growing range of True Wireless headphones from JBL, so whatever the day throws at you, bring it on - with super secure fit, JBL premium sound and hassle-free connectivity.


It’s no secret that every type of fitness enthusiast has their own style of working out, and own style of headphone. The JBL REFLECT FLOW allows listeners to express their style and aspiration while exercising with the help of epic sound, and truly wireless capabilities. With patented FreeBit ergonomics, easy connection to your device’s voice assistant, IPX7 waterproof rating and 30+ hours of combined playback time, the JBL REFLECT FLOW is the right choice for those who enjoy looking good while working out.

JBL REFLECT FLOW is available now on JBL.com for €149 in black and ice blue.

Features of the JBL REFLECT FLOW:

* JBL Signature Sound
* 30-hours of combined playback
* IPX7 Water and sweatproof
* Rugged 20-hour charging case
* TalkThru and Ambient Aware technologies
* Easily connect to voice assistants
* Ergonomic secure fit and design


For any music enthusiast looking to make the break from wires and neckbands, the JBL TUNE 120TWS in-ear headphones are the perfect musical escape. With JBL’s Pure Bass Sound and easy access to a voice assistant, listeners can conquer the day however it suits them best—whether calling friends, commuting to work, or while fully immersed in a favourite song or podcast.

JBL TUNE 120TWS will be available now on JBL.com at €99.99 in white, black, and blue.

Features of the JBL TUNE120TWS:

* JBL PureBass Sound
* 16-hours of combined playback time
* Compact 12-hour charging case
* Hands-Free stereo calling, connect to voice assistants with a simple touch
* Ergonomic fit and design
* 15-minute speed charging capabilities for 1 full hour of battery life


For those looking for a sport headphone to survive their latest intense workout, JBL’s ENDURANCE PEAK is the answer. With 28-hours of combined playback time, athletes will love the completely wire-free experience, touch controls and PowerHook design. It’s an ideal headphone for the gym, running or hiking, no matter the weather condition.

The JBL ENDURANCE PEAK is available now on JBL.com for €119 in black.

Features of the JBL ENDURANCE PEAK:

* JBL Signature Sound
* 28-hours of combined playback
* TwistLock™ and FlexSoft™ technologies
* PowerHook™
* IPX7 Water and sweatproof
* Rugged 24-hour charging case
* Hands-free calling
* Full-function touch control

UA True Wireless FLASH – Engineered by JBL

For athletes looking to push themselves to the limit, look no further than the UA True Wireless FLASH headphones – engineered by JBL. These sport wireless in-ear waterproof headphones were designed for runners by runners. The lightweight, fully cord-free headphones allow runners to break free from the restrictions of wires. To insure ultimate focus, the ultra-comfortable Sport Flex Fit design keeps headphones secure to sidestep the hassle of constantly readjusting. And with UA Storm Proof waterproof technology and an IPX7 rating, these headphones can endure any sweat session or the outdoor elements. With 25-hours of combined playback time, listeners can go the extra mile and boost performance with the incredible sound quality of JBL.

UA True Wireless FLASH – Engineered by JBL is available now on JBL.com and UnderArmour.com for €169 in black.

Features of the UA True Wireless FLASH – Engineered by JBL:

* JBL Charged Sound with 5.8mm diameter dynamic drivers
* Bionic Hearing with TalkThru and AmbientAware Technologies
* UA Storm Proof sweat & waterproof technology with an IPX7 rating
* Up to 5-hours of battery life with a rugged aluminum 20-hour charging case
* Bluetooth® true wireless
* Three fitting options of the Sport Flex Fit Ear Tips included

JBL raises the bar with new Soundbar series

Three new models. Powerful sound. MultiBeam™ tech

Slimmer, punchier bass and more immersive sound; JBL has taken home entertainment to the next level. With three brand new products launching today at IFA including a compact, all-in-one solution, a deep bass beauty and a surround-sound room-filler, there is something for everyone in JBL’s new soundbar range.
For ultimate movie fans, the JBL Bar 5.1 Surround provides a panoramic surround sound experience from a single bar and 10” wireless subwoofer. Thanks to JBL's proprietary MultiBeam technology, panoramic surround sound is now available without additional rear speakers and cables. The special configuration of five full range drivers and two side-firing tweeters delivers a room-filling experience. JBL’s Bar 5.1 Surround seamlessly becomes part of your home wireless music system, with built in Wi-Fi, Airplay 2 and Chromecast too.
It’s all about that bass, next in the range with the JBL Bar 2.1 Deep Bass, turning your living room into your own private cinema or stadium. Get the popcorn out and enjoy the bass with built in Dolby Digital. Offering 300W of powerful sound and a slim design, Bar 2.1 Deep Bass also lets you stream music from a mobile or tablet with Bluetooth.
The compact yet powerful JBL Bar 2.0, is an all-in-one soundbar with a built-in bass port and incredibly simple set up. Perfect for those looking to boost the audio of a bedroom or small living room TV, Bar 2.0 also features built in Bluetooth for music streaming.
The entire range is designed to fit effortlessly into your life (and in front of your TV!) with premium materials and, of course, best in class, JBL Signature sound.
“JBL designs soundbars for every home environment and use case and we’ve just raised the bar with our new collection. Whether customers are looking for a full surround-sound system, an amped-up bass or a sonic solution for a small space JBL soundbars turn the everyday into the epic ,” said Dave Rogers, President, HARMAN Lifestyle Audio.


JBL creates the amazing sound that shapes life’s most epic moments. From iconic events like Woodstock and concerts at Madison Square Garden, to games at Yankee Stadium and weekend road trips, JBL elevates listeners’ experiences with award-winning audio that lets them make the most of every moment. With unmatched professional credentials and over 70 years of delivering industry leading innovation, JBL is the authority in engineering superior sound.


HARMAN International (harman.com), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co, LTD., designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.  With leading brands including AKG®, Harman Kardon®, Infinity®, JBL®, Lexicon®, Mark Levinson® and Revel®, HARMAN is admired by audiophiles, musicians and the entertainment venues where they perform around the world. More than 50 million automobiles on the road today are equipped with HARMAN audio and connected car systems. Our software services power billions of mobile devices and systems that are connected, integrated and secure across all platforms, from work and home to car and mobile. HARMAN has a workforce of approximately 30,000 people across the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In March 2017, HARMAN became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics.

четверг, 12 сентября 2019 г.

IFA 2019: альянс Samsung/HARMAN представил новые аудиопродукты

На выставке IFA 2019, завершившейся 11 сентября в столице ФРГ Берлине, были представлены не только новейшие модели мобильной и бытовой техники Samsung, но и продукция американского дочернего предприятия Samsung Electronics - мультибрэндового конгломерата HARMAN International Industries.
Среди многочисленных новинок, включая различные типы наушников, портативных и стационарных акустических систем, усилителей, AV-ресиверов класса люкс и автомобильной электроники, посетителей особо заинтересовали недорогие решения для оснащения домашних кинотеатров.
В частности обозреватели ведущих профильных изданий выделяют линейку JBL Bar. Это комплекты различной конфигурации, состоящие из многоканального саундбара и сабвуфера, что позволяет значительно улучшить впечатления от просмотра масштабных блокбастеров, особенно если вы смотрите его на одном из новейших телевизоров Samsung с размером диагонали 55 дюймов и выше.
Новые модели JBL Bar 5.1 Surround ($500) и Bar 2.1 Deep Bass ($300) не заменят актуальные системы Bar 5.1 ($600) и Bar 2.1 ($250), но будут стоять рядом с ними. Новый Bar 2.0 ($180), наряду с существующей Bar Studio ($120), завершит нижний уровень этой линейки JBL. 3 новые модели поступят в продажу этой осенью.

JBL Bar 5.1 Surround

Новый король линейки звуковых панелей JBL, Bar 5.1 Surround, увеличивает мощность до 550 Вт (по сравнению с 510 Вт в текущей модели 5.1) и оснащён технологией JBL MultiBeam, которая позволяет комбинации из звуковой панели и сабвуфера создавать эффект объёмного звучания, причём без необходимости установки тыловых колонок. Эта модель также следует тенденции расширения линейки беспроводных колонок JBL, включая поддержку потоковой передачи музыки через Chromecast и AirPlay 2, а также Bluetooth и Wi-Fi. Как и текущая версия, 5.1 Surround предоставляет поддержку стандартов HDMI 4K и Dolby Vision, а также оптический порт. стоимость JBL Bar 5.1 Surround начинается с 500 долларов.

JBL Bar 2.1 Deep Bass

Потратив 300 долларов США, вы смаожете купить более компактную систему среднего уровня, которая обеспечивает мощность 300 Вт (так же, как и менее дорогая текущая модель 2.1) и замещает систему JBL Surround Sound новой технологией 5.1 Surround MultiBeam. При этом вы по-прежнему получаете возможность подключения Bluetooth (хотя Wi-Fi отсутствует), оптическое подключение, вход и выход HDMI.

JBL Bar 2.0 All-in-One

Система начального уровня стоимостью 180 долларов оснащена звуковой панелью, но не имеет сабвуфера (модель All-in-One подразумевает, что низкочастотные динамики включены в состав саундбара). Но общая мощность системы относительно невелика - 80 Вт. В наличии имеется поддержка Bluetooth и один выход HDMI. Но за за столь скромную сумму вы не получите вход HDMI или соединение по Wi-Fi. 

Samsung/HARMAN unveils a trio of new JBL soundbars at IFA 2019

JBL says its new MultiBeam technology delivers a surround-like experience without rear speakers

JBL just announced three of them at IFA, the consumer tech trade show based in Berlin. Confusingly, the new $500 JBL Bar 5.1 Surround and $300 Bar 2.1 Deep Bass will not replace the current $600 Bar 5.1 and $250 Bar 2.1 systems, but will stand alongside them. The new $180 Bar 2.0, along with the existing $120 Bar Studio, will round out the company's lower-end tier. The three new models will ship later this fall.

JBL Bar 5.1 Surround

The new king of JBL's soundbar lineup, the Bar 5.1 Surround ups the ante with 550 watts of power (compared with the current 5.1 model's 510 watts) and features JBL's MultiBeam technology, which helps the soundbar-and-subwoofer combo produce a surround-like experience without the need for rear speakers. It also follows the path of the company's expanding wireless speaker lineup by including support for streaming music via Chromecast and AirPlay 2, in addition to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity. Like the current version, the 5.1 Surround gives you HDMI 4K and Dolby Vision passthrough along with an optical port. The new JBL Bar 5.1 Surround starts at $500.

JBL Bar 2.1 Deep Bass

Starting at $300, the more compact midrange system offers 300 watts of power (same as the less expensive current 2.1 model) and substitutes JBL Surround Sound for the new 5.1 Surround's MultiBeam technology. But you still get Bluetooth connectivity (though no Wi-Fi), an optical connection and an HDMI input and output. 

JBL Bar 2.0 All-in-One

The $180 entry level system comes with a soundbar but no subwoofer (hence the All-in-One superlative). As such, it packs only 80 watts of power. And though there's Bluetooth and one HDMI output, you don't get an HDMI input or Wi-Fi connection.

среда, 11 сентября 2019 г.

Samsung планирует открыть в Индии 20 LED-кинотеатров к началу 2020 года

Несмотря на доступ ко множеству вариантов домашних развлечений, люди продолжают ходить в кинотеатры, так как их привлекают большие экраны, обеспечивающие наилучшие впечатления от просмотра.
В свою очередь, владельцы кинотеатров прилагают все усилия, чтобы улучшить эти впечатления за счёт внедрения иммерсивных технологий. Одним из самых перспективных направлений считается применение новейшей LED-технологиии Onyx от Samsung, значительно повышающей качество кинопоказа, что сулит в обозримой перспективе отказ кинопрокатных организаций от использования традиционных проекторов.
Как сообщают индийские СМИ, в настоящее время на территории этой страны действует 4 кинотеатра, где установлены профессиональные LED-экарны Onyx большого размера. Южнокорейский техногигант уже сейчас предлагает заказчикам 3 конфигурации с шириной экрана 5, 10 и 14 метров. Это позволит организовать VIP-залы с самым лучшим на сегодняшний день оборудованием для цифрового кинопоказа, которое Samsung поставляет в комплекте со звуковыми установками от своего американского подразделения HARMAN International.
Экарны Samsung Onyx особенно хороши при демонстрации 4K 3D-блокбастеров, обеспечивая непревзойдённое качество изображения, включая глубину сцены и яркостные параметры, не говоря уже об идеальном отображении чёрного цвета.
Применение технологии активного 3D в сочетании с ярким и высококонтрастным супердисплеем Samsung Onyx в разы превосходит возможности даже самых совершенных лазерных проекторов. Если при показе 3D-блокбастеров  на экране Onyx яркость снижается на 15-20% за счёт применения стереоочков, то в традиционных кинотеатрах с проекторами и поляризационной 3D-технологией потеря яркости достигает 40-50%, что не позволяет раскрыть все преимущества кинематографа с объёмным изображением. Только в залах Samsung Onyx 3D-кинофильмы могут быть показаны с использованием стандарта HDR (высокий динамический диапазон), который позволяет максимально приблизить цвето-яркостную палитру к изначальной задумке авторов, в то время как проекция на белый экран исключает такую возможность.
Опыт эксплуатации первых индийских кинотеатров, оборудованных системами Samsung Onyx, показывает, что зрители гораздо охотнее идут в залы с LED-экранами, особенно когда дело касается наиболее кассовых 3D-боевиков и фантастики. Подобная же картина наблюдается и в США, где недавно также были запущены первые LED-кинозалы.
Согласно прогнозам головного офиса Samsung India, южнокорейский техногигнат доведёт количество залов Onyx в этой стране до 20 уже в начале 2020 года.
В настоящее время ведутся интенсивные переговоры с представителями различных местных киносетей и владельцами отдельных кинотеатров, заинтересованных в приобретении этого ультрасовременного решения.
Кинозалы и мультиплексы Onyx уже запущены почти в 20-ти странах мира, включая Южную Корею, США, Францию, Германию, Австрию, Швейцарию, Мексику, Бразилию, Малайзию, Таиланд, Китай, Испанию, Колумбию и т.д.
В России до сих пор нет ни одного зала, оборудованного такой системой.

Samsung India deploys four Onyx LED Cinema screens, plans to ramp it up to 20 screens by early 2020

Samsung Onyx LEDs bring projector-less 3D movies in HDR without losing brightness

Big screens and larger-than-life experience are some of the reasons why people continue going to theatres despite many options of home entertainment.
And theatre owners are putting all efforts to enhance the cinema-viewing experience by bringing in immersive technologies.
Now, theatre owners are deploying screens that are putting an end to the old method of film projectors as the medium of display.
Samsung is offering this technology with its Onyx LED Cinema screen that is currently deployed in PVR’s Vasant Kunj theatre in Delhi, Cinepolis’ DLF Mall in Saket, Inox theatre in Malad and in Swagath theatre in Bengaluru.
While Samsung has deployed four Onyx LED Cinema screens so far, it has plans to ramp up deployment.
Talking to Moneycontrol, Puneet Sethi, Vice President, Consumer Electronics Enterprise Business, Samsung India, said, “We are in discussion with lot of cinema chains and existing customers and hope to do 20 screens by early 2020.”
Onyx LED Cinema screens are available in three sizes—5 metre for small auditorium, 10 metre for medium size auditoriums and 14 metre for large auditoriums.
For theatre owners, the cost of installing such screens falls in the range of Rs 3 crore to Rs 6 crore. And exhibitors are ready to shell out such amounts to up their game in the cinema business.
Giving a cost breakup for different sizes Samsung is offering, Sethi said, “14 metre screen costs around USD 8,00,000 -USD 9,00,000, a 10 metre screen costs around USD 5,00,000- USD 7,00,000.”
And multiplexes alone are not interested in getting the new technology to their theatres even standalone theatres are opting for the same.
Take the example of Swagath cinema in Bengaluru which is installed with 14-metre screen, the biggest Onyx LED Cinema screen as the auditorium has a seating capacity of 600 people.
Other theatres that have these screens are mid-size hence, they have installed the 10-metre Onyx LED Cinema screen.
Sethi also expects that the demand along with metros, will come from smaller town theatre owners as well.
“Exhibitors are increasing their screen presence and they are getting into tier II and III cities and top cinema chains are expanding and thus we are very positive about the Indian market,” he said.
He said that theatres having Onyx LED Cinema screen have seen higher occupancy especially for 3D films.
So, what does Onyx LED Cinema screen offer after all?
Sethi explained that “there are host of features the product has for example we divide this into three parts - Onyx view, Onyx 3D and Onyx sound.”
“In view, we talk about infinity contrast ratio. For example, in the projector-based system they have a limited contrast ratio like 2000:1 or 3000:1 whereas this product has infinity. And it also comes with HDR technology,” he said.
As for 3D the key aspect is that resolution is not lost at all and the refresh rate is 144 hertz the brightness also doesn’t drop to low.
“In projector-based system it drops 40-50 percent but in Onyx it drops 15-20 percent. It gives you more immersive look and feel,” added Sethi.
And Onyx sound is sculpted with JBL.
“In projector-based system the sound comes from behind the screen in LED since it is hard body speakers go on top of the screen and below the screen. And then it has been sculpted in such a way that the sound is same throughout the auditorium,” he explained.
Globally, Samsung’s Onyx screens have been deployed in markets like North America, South America, China, South-east Asia, Korea. 

воскресенье, 2 июня 2019 г.

Harman представляет полностью беспроводные спортивные наушники Under Armour True Wireless Flash

Harman, дочерняя структура Samsung Electronics, представляет в России полностью беспроводные спортивные наушники Under Armour True Wireless Flash. Новинка открывает абсолютно новый подход к тренировкам с музыкальным сопровождением благодаря полному отсутствию проводов, защите от влаги и пота, а также фирменным технологиями и легендарному звучанию JBL.
«Музыка наполняет занятия спортом энергией и драйвом, но путающиеся шнуры и выпадающие амбушюры способны сбить настрой даже самых мотивированных спортсменов. Чтобы сохранить стремление к новым рекордам, мы выпустили свои первые полностью беспроводные наушники для атлетов — Under Armour True Wireless Flash», — говорит Евгений Конов, генеральный директор Harman Россия.
UA True Wireless Flash созданы инженерами JBL для покорения новых спортивных вершин и готовы следовать за своим владельцем при любых погодных условиях: наушники защищены от воздействия воды и пота по стандарту IPX7 благодаря технологии UA Storm. Модель укомплектована набором амбушюр, а также специальных накладок с ушными упорами разных размеров для идеальной посадки в ушах любой формы. Все накладки сделаны из потостойкого материала, предотвращающего выпадение и натирание даже при длительной тренировке. За правильный звук в новинке отвечают специально настроенные 5,8 мм динамики, гарантирующие насыщенные басы для создания правильного ритма любых занятий.
Для обеспечения безопасности во время пробежек и тренировок наушники оснащены сразу двумя фирменными технологиями JBL, активируемыми нажатием одной кнопки: TalkThru позволяет приглушить музыку и увеличить громкость речи окружающих, а Ambient Aware добавляет к звучанию наиболее громкие шумы, которые могут служить на улице сигналом к повышенному вниманию. Аккумуляторы наушников рассчитаны на 5 часов беспрерывной работы, а при использовании наушников с прочным алюминиевым зарядным кейсом ресурса  хватит на 20 часов без подключения к стационарной розетке. Встроенный микрофон позволит всегда оставаться на связи и принимать звонки даже во время занятий.
Наушники UA True Wireless Flash от JBL доступны по рекомендованной розничной цене 11000 рублей.

JBL UA True Wireless Flash (by Samsung/Harman)

Review from PCmag 

Few tech pairings have worked so well recently as JBL and Under Armour, as exemplified by the new JBL UA True Wireless Flash earphones ($169.96). They offer a secure fit and a waterproof build, making them suitable for exercise, along with ambient audio modes so you can hear your surroundings without removing the earpieces or even pausing your music. From an audio standpoint, they deliver powerful lows and sculpted highs that ought to provide just the type of motivation you want when working out. Add to this list solid battery life and 12-month premium MapMyRun membership, and you have our Editors' Choice for exercise-focused true wireless earphones.


Like most true wireless pairs, the Flash earpieces are chunky but lightweight. The design is mostly black, with some red flourishes, and the Under Armour logo emblazoned on the outer panel. The earpiece presses gently against various parts of the ear—this, along with stabilizing fins, allows for an exceptionally secure fit. The fins are separate from the actual silicone eartips, and the earphones ship with three total pairs of tips (S, M, and L) and three pairs of fins (S, M, and L). Once you get the right combination, it's hard to imagine these falling out, even during vigorous exercise.
The logo on either ear is a button. Most of the controls are handled by the right ear's button, including play/pause, call answer/end, track navigation, and mute. The left button is used to sync with the right earpiece, and also to summon your phone's voice assistant.
One press of the left ear's button puts the earphones in Talk Thru mode, which allows you to clearly hear who you're talking to without removing the earphones—music playback continues, but at a lower level. Two taps of the button puts you in Bionic Hearing mode, which allows you to hear your surroundings and also lowers your music levels a bit. Many users will find it difficult to hear a real difference between the two modes, though Talk Thru more obviously tamps down your tunes.
With an IPX7 rating, the earphones can easily withstand heavy rain, be rinsed off, and even submerged in water. The included charging case, just to be clear, is not waterproof. If you place your wet earphones in the case, it will not go well.
The case does seem sturdy, however. It measures roughly 3.4 by 1.2 by 1.7 inches (HWD), with a brushed metallic contour. A sporty lanyard is fastened to a loop on one end, and the drawer housing the charging dock slides out the other end. Like with all charging cases, the earpieces snap into place magnetically. Red LEDs on the earpieces light up when charging, and LEDs on the outside of the case give you an idea of how much battery life the case has left. Below this status display, there's a covered micro USB port for the included micro cable.
JBL claims five hours of battery life, which is better than average for the true wireless realm. The charging case holds an additional 20 hours of battery life, which is great, but your overall results will depend on your volume levels and overall usage choices.
The earphones also come with a 12-month premium MapMyRun membership (which otherwise costs $29.99), which compares your workouts and keeps track of sleep and nutrition data.


On tracks with intense sub-bass content, like The Knife's "Silent Shout," the earphones deliver powerful low frequency depth. At top, unwise listening levels, the bass doesn't distort, and at more moderate levels, the bass is still intense. Thankfully, it's also balanced out with some crisp high frequency presence.
Bill Callahan's "Drover," a track with far less deep bass in the mix, gives us a better sense of the UA True Wireless Flash's general sound signature. The drums on this track get pleasant added bass depth—it's not over-the-top thunderous, but it's noticeable. The lows are balanced out nicely by some boosting and sculpting in the high-mids and highs, allowing the acoustic guitar strums and higher register percussive hits to shine.
On Jay-Z and Kanye West's "No Church in the Wild," the kick drum loop receives ideal high-mid presence, allowing its attack to retain its punchy edge, while the vinyl crackle that is usually relegated to background status is pushed forward a bit in the mix—there's plenty of high frequency boosting here, in other words. The sub-bass synth hits that punctuate the beat are delivered with powerfully anchored lows—the boosting isn't invasive, but the bass is strong. This is a sound signature that'll appeal to bass lovers who don't want to sacrifice balance.
For orchestral tracks, like the opening scene from John Adams' The Gospel According to the Other Mary, the lower register instrumentation is pushed forward in the mix, but then, so are the higher register brass, strings, and vocals. This is a scooped sound signature, with rich lows and boosted highs. It's not for purists, but it offers a clean, powerful listening experience that will likely be ideal for exercise motivation.
A couple of issues: When music is at low volumes, the earphones make an audible hiss sound. It doesn't doesn't seem to raise or lower with volume levels, so listening to most music at moderate levels will overcome much of its presence. In addition, navigating to new tracks often lops off the very beginning, which also goes for audio prompts from your phone, like text messages. These aren't deal breakers, but they're worth noting when the earphones in question are $170.
The built-in mic offers better than average intelligibility. Using the Voice Memos app on an iPhone 8, we could understand every word we recorded clearly, without much in the way of distortion or typical fuzzy Bluetooth audio artifacts. Phone audio comes through both ears, which is a rarity in the case of true wireless call audio.


When it comes to wire-free earphones built for exercise, you can't do much better than the JBL UA True Wireless Flash. We're also big fans of the JayBird Run XT, which feature adjustable EQ, but we're giving the Flash our Editors' Choice for longer battery life and a slightly more exercise-focused design. If you're looking for great Bluetooth in-ears for exercise, but don't want a cable-free model, meanwhile, JBL's UA Sport Wireless Pivot model is also worth looking into.